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my 13 year old son

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Senior Member
baystategirl said:
Yep! Nothing to do...My children don't assault other children...and that gives me all sorts of free time to laugh at YOU!...My eldest child is going to Harvard...Not to juvie....Boy ....It must suck to be you!!...bubye!!:p
Do you think she is just a tad bit racist against us white chicks? Too funny.


Senior Member
ctaylor said:
I am taking care of my son, you ignorant ##@#^&,,,,,,,You obviously are not educated in law so who needs to take your advise... You are probably some white chick with nothing to do..... hehehe just so typical....
Don't be a hyocritical b*tch and play a lame@ss racist card, because that just makes you look like a true moron!!!!!!
Are you jealous of white chicks or something? After what you have displayed here, you should be jealous of EVERY race of women. Enjoy living with that hanging over you.....:D


you son is becoming a bully

if you had been "taking care of your son" like you should have, he wouldnt have assaulted this kid.you hvae a bully in the making, you best stop making excuses for your son's behavior, and get him some help, before he seriously hurts someone.


Senior Member
badboybarry said:
if you had been "taking care of your son" like you should have, he wouldnt have assaulted this kid.you hvae a bully in the making, you best stop making excuses for your son's behavior, and get him some help, before he seriously hurts someone.
Where were you when your the 12 year old in your custody got a girl pregnant ? What were you thinking when you posted your childs pic on a vampire freak web site?

Kelly, you are the worst parent I have ever heard of. You have absolutely no right giving this type of statement.

Just Blue

Senior Member
Shay-Pari'e said:
Do you think she is just a tad bit racist against us white chicks? Too funny.

Seems that way...And how would she know if I am white, black, yellow, blue or purple??...:confused:


Shay-Pari'e said:
Where were you when your the 12 year old in your custody got a girl pregnant ? What were you thinking when you posted your childs pic on a vampire freak web site?

Kelly, you are the worst parent I have ever heard of. You have absolutely no right giving this type of statement.



Junior Member

Nope it doesnt suck to be me ... I have everything and anything I want .... And my son has the best attorney money can buy$$$$$$. My son actually is walking away free. for your information..... hehehe Money is great************** Now it must truly suck to be you if you think your trailertrash son is going to harvard, he is probably going to rehab**************.Its a known fact that trailertrash like you are really poor parents..... hehehe you truly make me laugh, get a job, get a life**************

you are so under my class**************..hahaha

Just Blue

Senior Member
ctaylor said:
Nope it doesnt suck to be me ... I have everything and anything I want .... And my son has the best attorney money can buy$$$$$$. My son actually is walking away free. for your information..... hehehe Money is great************** Now it must truly suck to be you if you think your trailertrash son is going to harvard, he is probably going to rehab**************.Its a known fact that trailertrash like you are really poor parents..... hehehe you truly make me laugh, get a job, get a life**************

you are so under my class**************..hahaha

Take your medication dear...it will make those voices go away...;)


Senior Member
ctaylor said:
Nope it doesnt suck to be me ... I have everything and anything I want .... And my son has the best attorney money can buy$$$$$$. My son actually is walking away free. for your information..... hehehe Money is great************** Now it must truly suck to be you if you think your trailertrash son is going to harvard, he is probably going to rehab**************.Its a known fact that trailertrash like you are really poor parents..... hehehe you truly make me laugh, get a job, get a life**************

you are so under my class**************..hahaha


Gee, I wonder where the little charmer gets his cowardice tendencies from?


Senior Member
outonbail said:

Gee, I wonder where the little charmer gets his cowardice tendencies from?
He certainly comes by it honestly. This chick acts like she is the only one in the world with money. Hell, I won't even begin to tell her the tax bracket my husband was in this year, but I certainly would not be bragging that my messed up bully of a kid walked away from it.

Bay's DAUGHTER really is going to Harvard, lol. Her son will be meeting bubba being raised by the likes of her.

Money does not buy morals.


Junior Member
ctaylor said:
My son kicked a fellow student at school, while the boy was on the ground! The boy on the ground was beaten by another boy who did significant damage to his mouth, then the school called me to pick up my son after school principal and police talked to him. I was never notified that they were talking to him or about the incident. they just told me to pick him up! what are my sons rights, I am worried that they will charge him with the beating . all he did was kick the boy one time in the leg....Wisconsin
I work with kids who got in trouble with the law in milwaukee, usually municipal stuff. which i think this is all your son might get in trouble for. unless someone is suing you like the other boy's family (i doubt school would sue), i don't think you need a lawyer. did your son get a ticket? the worst it probably will be assault and battery. can anyone vouch for him that he jsut kicked the boy in the leg? if so, then it'll probably just be a disorderly conduct ticket, which is. since he did kick the boy, he is guilty. most judges will let him do community service to satisfy the ticket (well i should say milwaukee judges), if you want him to handle the consequence. you could always ask the judge about it. if he hasn't gotten a ticket yet, its kinda late. sometimes schools don't want to get the cops involved, bad PR. in terms of his record, judges that let kids do community service and if its his first ticket, he'll probably have it dismissed. even if its not dismissed, its just one ticket that'll get sealed to MOST people after he turns 18. (he'll still be able to get any job, and get into college)
let me know if you have any other questions. i'd be glad to help :eek:

Just Blue

Senior Member
Scarlet said:
I work with kids who got in trouble with the law in milwaukee, usually municipal stuff. which i think this is all your son might get in trouble for. unless someone is suing you like the other boy's family (i doubt school would sue), i don't think you need a lawyer. did your son get a ticket? the worst it probably will be assault and battery. can anyone vouch for him that he jsut kicked the boy in the leg? if so, then it'll probably just be a disorderly conduct ticket, which is. since he did kick the boy, he is guilty. most judges will let him do community service to satisfy the ticket (well i should say milwaukee judges), if you want him to handle the consequence. you could always ask the judge about it. if he hasn't gotten a ticket yet, its kinda late. sometimes schools don't want to get the cops involved, bad PR. in terms of his record, judges that let kids do community service and if its his first ticket, he'll probably have it dismissed. even if its not dismissed, its just one ticket that'll get sealed to MOST people after he turns 18. (he'll still be able to get any job, and get into college)
let me know if you have any other questions. i'd be glad to help :eek:

Didn't you readher other post? She got the "best attorney" that money could buy!! Her little J.D. is all set!....(that is till he does it again...and he will..cause mommy will buy his way out of it again!)...;)


Junior Member
baystategirl said:
Didn't you readher other post? She got the "best attorney" that money could buy!! Her little J.D. is all set!....(that is till he does it again...and he will..cause mommy will buy his way out of it again!)...;)

i've read it now...... thanks. i quit reading it all the way thru when i saw how little useful advice she was getting.

Happy Trails

Senior Member
Scarlet said:
i've read it now...... thanks. i quit reading it all the way thru when i saw how little useful advice she was getting.
She got the advice she needed in the first couple of threads. She didn't like the answers and then started sending nasty private messages to those that responded.

She took the advice given (as it was correct) and has hired a lawyer. I don't believe the son is getting off without some repercussions. However, this is the internet and the poster can say anything she wants; including that she is well off.

Just to remind everyone of the poster's initial post:

Quote by ctaylor:
My son kicked a fellow student at school, while the boy was on the ground! The boy on the ground was beaten by another boy who did significant damage to his mouth, then the school called me to pick up my son after school principal and police talked to him. I was never notified that they were talking to him or about the incident. they just told me to pick him up! what are my sons rights, I am worried that they will charge him with the beating . all he did was kick the boy one time in the leg....Wisconsin
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Senior Member
ctaylor said:
Nope it doesnt suck to be me ... I have everything and anything I want .... And my son has the best attorney money can buy$$$$$$. My son actually is walking away free. for your information..... hehehe Money is great************** Now it must truly suck to be you if you think your trailertrash son is going to harvard, he is probably going to rehab**************.Its a known fact that trailertrash like you are really poor parents..... hehehe you truly make me laugh, get a job, get a life**************

you are so under my class**************..hahaha
With that attitude and ghetto writing, you are every bit the prime example of trailor trash, so check yourself before slamming others.
No wonder why your son is a filthy bully. He might have gotten away with a crime this time, but with your lack of parenting skills he'll become a full fledge criminal soon enough and end up in prison. Then we'll see how ****y you are on this forum.
Pathetic waste of space and a lousy mother!!!!!!!!!!!
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