I smell a Troll who has nothing better to do than shovel us up a big steamy pile of his imagination. Starting with his very first line of oral poop,,,
Here is what everyone should know about being caught picking up a prostitute
What everyone should know? What could this be, some sort of heimlich maneuver for whores perhaps?
I am grateful about how lucky I got
From your story it is obvious that you didn’t get lucky,,,, or were you referring to the free drugs, condoms and Goodwill garment they all came in? (pun intended)
It’s actually these Goodwill accessories that provide the next clue that the story is BS.
A police car happened to come out of no where while the prostitute was partially inside my car …
Since this $20.00 piece was only partially in your vehicle, when exactly was it that she removed her coat and placed it in your vehicle?
There is no way that some hooker is going to remove her coat (which holds her “gear” and addiction supplies) and toss it in your back seat before she enters your vehicle. If she removed it when the officers told her to get out, they would have certainly found that to be suspicious behavior and investigated further.
Next, is this citation for “unloading on a curb” WTF is unloading on a curb? Didn’t you say you stopped in an intersection? I’m sure there would have been several more violations they could have cited you on and which would have been more serious violations penalty wise. Considering the hazard you would create by stopping your vehicle in an intersection, not to menti0on how you and your “date” had them looking like fools when you each stuck to the “just asked for a ride” story, I have to believe the officers would have been a little more creative in their application of motor vehicle laws.
Then of course there is this line of complete BS being waved in our faces like you’ve earned bragging rights:
Last, I would like to say that I picked up street prostitutes more often than you eat pizza, and it is all a hollow experience ….
A hollow experience? What were you expecting, a meaningful ten minute relationship? If it was all so hollow, why continue doing it? Did you believe that a “filling” prostitute was out there waiting to be found? What about all the prostitutes that turned out to be a more masculine pizza, you know,,,,, the ones with the extra pepperoni? Certainly they filled your hollowness a time or two.
I am a physics professor,
Yeah, this is believable, a physics professor lost in Paterson New Jersey, who just happens to end up on a street infested with prostitutes, which he enjoys more often than others do pizza. If this isn’t enough of a coincidence, he just happens to have a crisp twenty dollar bill to spare. Lets not forget directions, you needed them as well and nobody knows their way around the block like a street whore.
and I enjoyed everything I have done before I learned my lesson the easy way.
Huh? I thought you just expressed how it was all a hollow experience,,,,, But now it’s an enjoyable hollow experience?
I ended up with the 11 packets of cocaine
Wow, some consolation prize! How about the jacket,,,, did it fit? Or did you only check to see how well your hand fit in the pockets? You didn’t happen to discover a map in that jacket did you? I only ask because just minutes earlier, you were so lost, until you found yourself on a street among an infestation of twenty dollar whores, that I’m trying to figure out how you suddenly knew your way around Paterson New Jersey so well, that you were able to drive, discover a jacket, then rifle through it and determine there was eleven little bags which each held cocaine?
Then, just when I thought the BS could get no deeper nor the stupidity no more evident, you spew this nonsense:
and almost went to the police station to turn it in
So you have no problem with the fact that this man/woman prostitute sells themselves to whoever has a couple spare dollars and you see nothing wrong with frequently picking up these diseased dates for a quick wam-bam thank you Sam, But,,, when they have drugs in their possession,,, well that’s where you draw the line! Who would have ever thought that these prostitutes you pick up on a daily routine, would be involved with drugs?
Well, my hats off to you and your ability to determine which laws are meant to be ignored and which one’s should be enforced. Are you sure your not a law professor?
BTW, if you knew the way to the police station, why didn’t you go there when you were lost?
but decided that those officers are drooling to make an arrest. I think that their jobs, and judges jobs strips them out of the human factor, they only see regulations.
If you say so,,, after all, you are the professor.
I had a friend who was once arrested tell me that knowing now how unfair the process is, that if given the opportunity without getting “cought”, that he would kill the approaching officer, or a potential witness. I was shaken by this, but I can see the fairness.
Here you are again, seeing the fairness in justifying the murder of the police and/or a witness. But were only talking murder here, it’s not like they were “cought” carrying around eleven little bags of cocaine,,,, am I right professor?
This friend, the one who would chose murder if not “cought”,,,, he wouldn’t happen to have been a cell mate of yours at one time would he professor? Because this boasting of plans to kill a cop, sure sounds like prison talk to me.
Then, when another member questions why a professor of physics doesn’t show much concern for the spelling of simple words, you come up with this wisdom:
OK, in this case I will forgive Al Gore (or was it the president) for misspelling potatos ... pototoEs.
I’m sure they’ll be relieved to learn they’ve been forgiven,,,,, whoever it was,,,
What purpose does all this back peddling and claims of whore meddling serve anyway?
You think your helping others because they can learn from your mistakes? Where would you ever get the idea that someone on these boards would end up on the same dysfunctional path as you’ve been paying twenty dollar tolls on? I know I don’t have to worry about being questioned by the police because of the next girl that steps from my vehicle and it didn’t take becoming a professor to learn this.
Your full of yourself and fooling no one.
Although, your post does deserve an award of some kind. I have to admit, this posting is the biggest compilation of BS I’ve read in a long time. When it comes to piling up the dung,,, you sir, can really work a shovel. I’ll give you that much. It is painfully obvious that you have some mental health issues that need dealing with. You also sound like someone who was recently released from prison, who remains angered at a society that you feel has done you wrong.
How do I know these things?
For starters, you don’t actually believe a physics professor would post under the user name xxxuanxxx do you? Although you probably didn’t plan on making that claim when you first came here to spew your fantasies. It only came about when you felt it was necessary to have people believe your a product of higher education,,, someone who is gifted with exceptional intelligence and, a force to be reckoned with! Too bad you only succeeded in confirming how much of an idiot you truly are.
Your claims go much further however and you would like us to believe your a sexual icon, who has been with thousands of women during your life. Which I admit, is a good chunk of change at $20.00 a pop.
You want us to believe that your too slick for the police to catch, even when your found red handed,,, even when their challenging you in groups of three or more, they’re just no match for your street gained wisdom. Even if your teamed up with a drug addicted prostitute, they can’t get anything on you but maybe a minor traffic infraction. Although, you do believe in law and order,,,, only your better equipped to decide which laws should apply and which one’s serve no gainful purpose.
You are not only a physics professor and law expert, but your quite the psychology whiz as well. This has enabled you to see that the police are de-humanized and programmed to make an arrest rather than seek the truth or understand what makes someone do stupid things and resort to breaking the law. They are not there to protect, only to punish after the fact. More prison prattle no doubt.
You also want us to believe that some people can learn from their mistakes and become good citizens without having to expose them to the customary punishment. That there are exceptions to the rules and not everyone should be held to answer for their lawlessness. Take someone like a physics professor for example. One who screws anything with a pulse and as often as he can, he obviously has the ability to stop his dysfunctional behavior immediately. All it took was a close call. Give me a break, your out there, way out there.
Even if there was someone so out of touch that they believed what your spewing, your next thoughts are ludicrous at best.
Your actually hoping that someone will understand and go along with your opinion that there are situations, which justify the murdering of police officers, judges and witnesses? You’ve gone way over and above the call of stupidity with that thought professor.
One last observation you need to consider professor,,,
Sharing the same level of difficulty for spelling simple words does not place you at the same level as the president and vice president of America. I’m sure this comes as quite a shock, but that’s what can happen when an idiot becomes a legend in his own mind.
Now go away. Maybe you can find some ex-con support group to buy your BS. Or have you been convicted of a crime that even disgusts them professor?