I wasn't disagreeing with your point. I was simply defending my statement about the exam to check for an intact hymen and that is merely supporting evidence, not proof.
I agree. The point of virginity is less about proof of rape than it is about showing an inclination not to consent to sexual relations.
ya mean like this:
Anyway, I got so wasted. I still don't remember much about that night, but I know he had sex with me because I remember trying to push him off and he grabbed my wrist, but that is all I remember.
That is HER version of events. HE is almost certainly not going to recall it like that. This claim without any support could be a wash.
hey, I weight in excess of 250 and 10 ounces of beer makes me so woozy I could not drive. After a couple drinks, I would have no ability to resist much of anything.
That is not the case with most people. A jury is made up of average people, and by and large, they will know or believe that after two drinks they can act just fine and dandy.
My wife is one of those two-drink-drunks (well, impaired), though she is nowhere NEAR 250 lbs.
You have a very different system than we do apparently. The DA can and does act independently of the police in our area. I have seen several situation where the police were reluctant to investigate a situation and the DA took on the case.
And don't kid yourself on the impact the police might have on a case if they want to. The proper presentation or personal contact can push a case one way or the other. Yes, the DA has the final say on prosecution, but the police DO have input if they choose to exert it. It could be as simple as how ti is written and presented, or it might be as subtle as code words in the complaint request. It varies by jurisdiction and practice.
As for the DA looking into a complaint. it's a matter of resources. I doubt that your DA himself goes out and interviews witnesses, writes search warrants, and seeks subpoenas. Dollars to donuts, it is an investigator that does it. With our state's budget cuts, some offices lack sufficient investigators - in some cases they have NONE - and cannot take on such cases even if they wanted to. Our local DA has had to punt on a couple of high profile matters for just that reason and has tried to farm them out to the state with no luck ... they're even more strapped than the counties are!
She can always ASK the DA to investigate. But, it sounds as if she waffled so much the police might not have been able to get a clear story out of her and probably dismissed her tale as unbelievable or simply unclear. I cannot imagine that if it sounded believable and coherent that they would not have at least opened an investigation even if they did not believe it would go anywhere. But, if they could not get straight details from the victim, they may have had nothing to go on. Hence the reason I suggest she go back and try it again, first.