SSA told me because she was a caretaker at one point (not legally) the now NCP gave her permission to do all these things. i would not have consented had i known all this was going on. how they kept this from me (when i was the NCP) while i had him mon-thursday and EOW is beyond me. so from what i understand, SSA won't touch her. SSA only suggests that i apply to receive disability benefits on his behalf. i showed her all the documents. i can't take money since he's not even disabled. so i'm lost now on how to get a termination letter for these benefits.
So Dad used her as payee, basically, because she provided housing/care/necessities (or so his story was). You should listen to SSA & correct the paperwork to make YOU payee~ either way. To continue to receive it, when he is now NCP, is fraudulent. Once YOU are the payee and in control of the account....YOU can request to end benefits, and go through that process. (It will be easier when you are the payee & whom they are dealing directly with).
NCP is just lazy. he didn't want to deal with the younger child so he dumped him off on his mom. he refused to voluntarily give me custody as he wanted child support but (actually said in court) he didn't have the time to deal with the younger one. as soon as i heard the term autism i ran to the library, checked programs only to find out my son had none of these symptoms. then PDD was written on a doctor's report. i researched that. then my school district marked him off as not being a special needs child. now, i have to fight this ruling on ADHD. all so one person could collect money from the state. so i will definitely be asking a restraining order on medical issues and the grandmother's involvement.
It's Federal money, not state. You don't need a restraining order on Medical Issues...this is MORE THAN ENOUGH to request the Court grant you Sole Legal Custody. He has proven that he has/will interfere in Medical treatment, diagnosis and education. File to modify to Sole Legal Custody. He will still be able to access his child's pertinent School/Medical records, but he will no longer have the legal sayso or authority to determine where/how & with whom your child is treated/educated, etc. or even be confered/compromised with.
would it be reasonable to request to not allow the NCP to leave the children in the grandmother's care or any person in her household (including her drug addicted husband (also admitted to in court) at any time without the NCP's presence for more than 1 hour? i'm not trying to reduce the NCP's visitation time, just the ability to leave the children in his mother's care since she refuses to relent?