No actually I havent told him I am moving. Right now since he is not the legal father he really has not right to know. At least not yet.Of course NOW she will come back and say he knew all along.
Pretty much all I wanted to know from this thread is if I have a good chance or not. Obviously you all dont know my situation and what kind of person her father really is. As I have been reading more up on the subject of move away cases I feel that I have a pretty good chance of moving with my daughter. Again, like I said before I am not doing this to take my daughter away from her father.
According to California laws about this, it is pretty much the non-custodial parents obligation to show that judge that the move will be detrimental to the child. In my case all the information I will be prepaired with and all the history of her father not being responsible and taking action sooner, I feel like I have a pretty good chance.