That's no suprise. MBNA has been THE biggest pusher of this bk reform from the start. The irony of it is that MBNA is also one of the BIGGEST 'offenders' in sending out hundreds of thousands of credit card offers to anyone and everyone, whether the people can afford them or not. So, as I said in another forum.. they made their own swamp, I think they should be made to DROWN in it !!
Instead they want to force the people who truly are suffering under the weight of a crappy economy and too much debt to suffer in indentured servitude for 3-5 years with a Chapter 13 or suffer worse by not being allowed to file for BK at all !!! Chapter 13 really is financial slavery as far as I'm concerned. Indentured servitude.. where whatever you earn goes soley to the purpose of buying your freedom.. in this case financial freedom !
I just wish enough people understood what this is going to do to so many people, possibly themselves at some point. I wish they understood enough to flood their Senators and Congressmen with objection letters.. should have been getting done all along, but most people just don't understand the implications and consequences if this reform passes. I, for one, will NOT vote for ANY legislature member that votes for this reform ! After all what do those fat, very-well-paid politicians know of the REAL people who will be affected by this ??? NOTHING. I'd bet not a single one of them has talked with any of the people who filed the 1.5 million personal bankruptcy cases !
This BS propaganda that this reform 'won't change anything, won't harm anyone' is a crock of sh*t, and it stinks to high heaven !!!
{end of rant}