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Senior Member
justalayman said:
You were wrong in your correction of me because;
The OP did inquire about a will.
Unlike other posters who needlessly post to a thread repeating correct info provided by another poster, I do not do so which is why it was not necessary for me to tell the poster to look in the probate file for a will.
Originally Posted by justalayman
There are situations where an insurance policy may be listed in probate filings
That is info that was precisely provided by me, including the fact that the info may not be there at all. I find more insurance policies in a home :)confused: ) rather than in a safety box which is another way the policies find themselves in a probate file. It is my legal duty to provide the court with a copy and keep the original safe and protected, just like wills that I find. There's other ways an insurance policy ends up in a probate case, but they are not a common ways.
Originally Posted by justalayman
So can you set the arrogance aside? I doubt it. I see why you may have so many problems with the pres of your HOA.
Being precise is not being arrogant. The Pres and the rest of the BOD of the HOA screwed up from day one with hurricane Wilma. None of them read the by-laws regarding casualty damage and other things they could have done. I was the first one to review by-laws about casualty and other by-laws and was told by the Pres. "I didn't know that". :rolleyes:

When the other owners learn what I know, they will all be as upset as me with the HOA. That day has not arrived yet, but it is coming. The HOA believes that just spraying walls and ceilings with bleach is mold remediation that needs to be done prior to a contractor coming. :rolleyes: Again, they are idiots and wrong.
Originally Posted by justalayman
Actually I was more interested in your electrical problems where there was somebody out to get you. Did you ever figure it out? Did the electricity police come?
It is not necessary for me to post what happened regarding the tampering. I don't take threats of physical harm lightly just because I'm trying to protect my property when the BOD would not. And, it's really pathetic when those that still lived in a place that is a fire hazard and health hazard engage in petty malicious revenge against the neighbor who is disabled because we were helping each other.

Once the electrician puts the correct a/c unit on my condo and hooks it up, I have to go over and turn my electricity on today, which is ordered off by both the city electric and fire inspectors. I just might get arrested by the electricity police today. :eek: My a/c unit was not the only one mixed up. I proved this was so when I unpacked pictures Sunday and found pictures taken of the roof prior to the a/c units being removed.

The a/c manufacturer also informed me that the casing will have the model and serial number on it. The electrician is working on this at this moment which is great. I'll be able to spend the rest of the day relaxing at the pool and watch the boats go by.


Senior Member
justalayman said:
Thanks,,,,I think,
Actually I respect Blondie's advice. It is most generally very good and precise.
Somewhere along the way she (I believe) and I butted heads. While I chose to let it go, I do get riled when she berates me unjustly.
Providing precise information is not berating you, justalayman. Don't take it as so and get riled up. It's interesting that you don't get riled up and attack the male posters who have, indeed, scolded you. :confused: There are senior members who have been here as long and longer than me that I have corrected because they provided wrong information to posters. I will continue to do so to any poster. There are posters that I have scolded for posting wrong information and will continue to do so. I will also continue continue to provide precise information.

And, you know exactly where we "butted heads" and attacked me with that awful post that broke the TOA where others told you to remove it. Thank you for doing so. I did/do deserve an apology for that even though I have let it go. I don't hold grudges. IMO, you are taking things the wrong way.
Originally Posted by justalayman
And to Blondie: I didn't look for anyplace where you were corrected. It serves me no purpose. I am by no means obsessed with you and have no desire to make such an effort
You don't read my posts and haven't read my history? Please stop taking me providing precise information as berating you and then attacking me, okay? That's not what I am doing.


Senior Member
QUOTE=BlondiePB]Unlike other posters who needlessly post to a thread repeating correct info provided by another poster, I do not do so which is why it was not necessary for me to tell the poster to look in the probate file for a will.
Actually I was the first to suggest looking into the probate for a will or ins. policy.

That is info that was precisely provided by me, including the fact that the info may not be there at all. I find more insurance policies in a home :)confused: ) rather than in a safety box which is another way the policies find themselves in a probate file. It is my legal duty to provide the court with a copy and keep the original safe and protected, just like wills that I find. There's other ways an insurance policy ends up in a probate case, but they are not a common ways.
Here again, I was the first that suggested looking into the probate. You first chastized me for suggesting it and then gave a situation actually giving credence to my suggestion. Your one suggestion did not list all of the ways an ins. policy could end up in the probate file but it did add to the ways I already knew. I merely knew it could end up there and suggested looking without actually giving the reason it could be there.
Being precise is not being arrogant.
I was not suggesting precision equalled arrogance. The arrogance is the failure to acknowledge your mistake while insisting I had made one.

It is not necessary for me to post what happened regarding the tampering
You are correct. But it wasn't neccassary to post originally about it either. You were looking for advice on the situation. The advice and my corrections in that post were correct. Your lack of acknowledgement does not change this. I had never said turning off your power was not wrong. The law cit just didn't fit the situation.
I actually know a bit about electricity and when you had stated there was water in the receptacles, there was a real concern of injury or death. Your post seemed to be concerned with the actions of the HOA pres. but seemed to fail to recognize the danger involved.
I don't take threats of physical harm lightly
I don't recall any threats of physical violence mentioned, merely tampering. I would never suggest that you should take threats of actual harm lightly.
Once the electrician puts the correct a/c unit on
I hope this ends up well. From the original post you deleted (Yes I am aware you did not want it to be confused with the repost.) that was where I was trying to totallay understand your situation. Trying to describe your situation briefly was tough and I was merely trying to flesh out the reasoning behind the post. It didn't seem to stand by itself without the clarifications I was asking for.
I just might get arrested by the electricity police today. :eek:
Use caution, obviously water and electricity don't work well together. The water can do alot of damgae that isn't immedialtely seen or even noticable for years to come.
My a/c unit was not the only one mixed up.
I understand this. That is why I asked so many ? originally. It can be difficult to I.D. your specific unit. As I had mentioned before, the inside and outside parts can be replaced seperately using different manufacturers. I would want my working unit back as well
The a/c manufacturer also informed me that the casing will have the model and serial number on it
see answer above


Senior Member
QUOTE=BlondiePB]Providing precise information is not berating you, justalayman
No it isn't but continually trying to correct me when I am right with the tacticts you used is
It's interesting that you don't get riled up and attack the male posters who have, indeed, scolded you. :confused:
I always try to be correct. When I am proven to be actually wrong, I generally admit it. That is where there is a differnce between you and the "male" posters. When they corrected me I was actually wrong. Mind you, there are posts where I did argue my point with them when I was correct and they attempted to correct me. .
And, you know exactly where we "butted heads"
Yes I do. I just didn't feel the need to explain it to any others. Actually there is an apology. It was not specific to you so: I do apologize, to you specificaly, for the post. It was out of line. (to say the least)
You don't read my posts and haven't read my history?
I read your posts as they are in threads. I didn't research any of them until this thread. As you may have noticed, I even complemented you on your posts.
Please stop taking me providing precise information as berating you and then attacking me, okay?
Here again, it is not the accuracy of your info, it is you trying to correct me when I am right and then getting a holier than thou attitude about it. Like I stated before, I do admit when I am wrong but I do get defensive and arguementative when I am right and anybody tries to correct me.

So with all that said, I will repeat: I do respect your input on this forum. It is good info.
If you care to comment on this anymore you are welcome PM me.

Now go enjoy the sun, wind and water because hurricane season isn't that far away:D


Senior Member
Originally Posted by BlondiePB
Since life insurance does not go through probate unless it is payable to one's estate it will not be recorded in the probate file. The exception of this is if the policy was in a safety deposit box where a bank officer records the contents for its inventory for the executor who then files this in the probate case.
Please tell me where I said you were wrong here, berated you here, and chastized you here. Please tell where where I have an attitude problem. :confused:
I'm sorry if you are taking this this way.
Originally Posted by justalayman
Actually I was the first to suggest looking into the probate for a will or ins. policy.
Originally Posted by BlondiePB
And, you know exactly where we "butted heads"
Originally Posted by justalayman
Yes I do. I just didn't feel the need to explain it to any others. Actually there is an apology. It was not specific to you so: I do apologize, to you specificaly, for the post. It was out of line. (to say the least)
Apology accepted. Thank you.
Originally Posted by BlondiePB
It is not necessary for me to post what happened regarding the tampering
Originally Posted by justalayman
You are correct. But it wasn't neccassary to post originally about it either. You were looking for advice on the situation. The advice and my corrections in that post were correct. Your lack of acknowledgement does not change this.
As I stated about the incident, I had already found out from FPL (managers & other representatives, no one was allowed to touch those breakers. Therefore, I was questioning whether or not the situation was criminal or civil. Seniorjudge was correct that it was both. Due to the fact that it is also criminal and Carl provided me with the statutes that do apply so that the DA's office can prosecute (and they can), the Pres will not be able to have the HOA pay for his attorney fees which could result in all owners being responsible for this including myself. The DA's office will not prosecute unless I have the police report amended from a civil assist to being a criminal misdemeanor.
Originally Posted by justalayman
I had never said turning off your power was not wrong. The law cit just didn't fit the situation.I actually know a bit about electricity and when you had stated there was water in the receptacles, there was a real concern of injury or death. Your post seemed to be concerned with the actions of the HOA pres. but seemed to fail to recognize the danger involved.
The entire situation is too long to post. The Pres already knew that he had to turn off the electricity to the entire building in order to turn off electric to any specific unit. There's no ifs, whats or buts about this. My condo was not the fire hazard since I voluntary keep the electric off. The Pres failed to acknowledge that the 9 occupants still living there and running their electricity with water intrusion coming from electric fixtures and water running down walls where electric outlets are in with God knows what's plugged into to them and turned on is a fire hazard endangering lives and property, even when I told him so numerous times including being for "on the record".
Originally Posted by BlondiePB
Once the electrician puts the correct a/c unit on
Originally Posted by justalayman
I hope this ends up well. From the original post you deleted (Yes I am aware you did not want it to be confused with the repost.) that was where I was trying to totallay understand your situation. Trying to describe your situation briefly was tough and I was merely trying to flesh out the reasoning behind the post. It didn't seem to stand by itself without the clarifications I was asking for.
When things don't add up resulting in costly mistakes due to negligence, I want to know who is responsible. That electrician who mixed up the a/c units when he put them on would not even go look for a matching model and serial number. Rather, he just told me to produce the paperwork to prove that that damaged a/c unit was not mine. There was only one a/c unit in the cluster where mine is located that was moved a little bit by the force of the winds. My a/c unit was fully intact after the storm and I knew it. I also knew what a/c units were twisted and raised off their stands after the storm. I also was up on the roof prior to the roofers coming helping with the covering put on to prevent further damage from rain.

Since pictures can speak a thousand words, the correct a/c unit was attached and hooked up to my condo today. Just as I suspected, it's not damaged and works just fine. Now, that's COOL. I wasn't arrested by the electricity police either, but I did shut the breakers off inside and outside and locked the outside box again.
Originally Posted by justalayman
Use caution, obviously water and electricity don't work well together.The water can do alot of damgae that isn't immedialtely seen or even noticable for years to come.
After more than a month without rain, we had rain Monday. Guess what? I still have water coming in through the kitchen fixture and the roof is done and the inspectors approved it two weeks ago. I've reported this to the HOA and when they didn't call the roofer, I had to take action again myself. As for the water doing damage for years to come, you want to tell this to my HOA? Please also include what has to be done for proper mold remediation. They are clueless, likely due to lack of research, and don't believe me. :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by justalayman
So with all that said, I will repeat: I do respect your input on this forum. It is good info.
Thank you.
Originally Posted by justalayman
Now go enjoy the sun, wind and water because hurricane season isn't that far away
Yes, it was a glorious day. Lots of sun, eighty degrees, and a nice breeze. :) The last person who said something about hurricane season coming this year wished that he didn't. :eek:

To LittleRed: Please accept my sincerest apology for what happened to your thread.


Senior Member
BlondiePB said:
Yes, it was a glorious day. Lots of sun, eighty degrees, and a nice breeze. :) The last person who said something about hurricane season coming this year wished that he didn't. :eek:

To LittleRed: Please accept my sincerest apology for what happened to your thread.
Sorry 'bout the hurricane comment, I'm sure the entire country hopes for a light season.

and to LittleRed: I too express my apologies.:eek:


Junior Member
No need for apologies:) :)

I don't get on the computer often because of my job..

As far as anyone talking to my father..only one brother and he is afraid to ask him anything about anything..

My mother did not have alot of personal things..And I have found that all the property is in both names...

I have contacted the family lawyer in NC but have not heard anything back from him as of today..

The family moved to Tennessee in 1999 and as far as there personal business I never got involved..They have land in both states and my mother was taken back to NC to the hospital and is where she died and was buried..

But again thanks for all the replies and the interesting readings I needed a good laugh:D :D
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