Senior Member
Ummmm... no. But the point wasn't too see how many 'points' the ex's a$$holish behavior wins me with the GAL either. I think there's a serious reading comprehension problem with some people lately.Zephyr said:I don't think that was point of her question
Here's another question.
Ex and SMom are convinced that the almost 6 year old has 'behavior issues' at school. Now, this isn't prompted by ANYTHING the teacher has said or implied. In fact, I spoke to the teacher at length a couple of weeks ago and she had nothing but glowing things to say about this child. The Ex and his wife have not attended a single parent-teacher conference since they got married. Honestly, I'm very unsure where their assumption that there are behavior issues comes from.
The child brought home a paper that was handed in 'late' (which, in her world means after recess instead of before) and SMom immediately called the school and asked the teacher to move the child to the front of the class so she could 'keep an eye on her'.
I'm not going to make a big stink about this, because the teacher is going to do whatever is right academically for the child... but it's grating that SMom thinks it's her job to handle things w/the school when she's never even attended a conference (and neither has dad).
I guess my question would be... I keep all of this stuff journaled, mostly because it helps me get it out of my system so that I don't dwell on it. Kills the irritation almost immediately. Should I ask the GAL if she wants the journal I've been keeping? I journal good interactions w/ the ex and his wife as well as bad ones. And, at my last one on one meeting with the GAL, she asked if I was keeping a journal, and I told her I was. She said "Excellent. Make sure you keep track of *youngest daughters* tummy aches in it so we can see when the stress increases at dad's house, and if it's related to court happenings."
Will she ask for it if she wants it, or should I offer it?