O. M. G.Well I was shopping for a new life
just for me:
a cool new f-mate
to trump the Baby Daddy.
Too bad I didn't know I couldn't just pack
'cause now I'm driving off alone and the daddy's got our kid back.
F-R-E-E that spells Free
Advice Forums dot com, Baby!
Started a thread, didn't read the sticky,
thought about searching but was too lazy.
Now instead of sympathy I get attacked,
OG is rippin' me a new one
and her posse's down, they got her back.
F-R-E-E that spells Free
A-D-V-Ice Ice Baby!
Yo man -- let's get out of here! Word to your mother!
I think I peed a little.
and you KNOW I totally sang it.
pp, you are officially THE BOMB!!!