stealth2 said:
LOL true. I'd like to trade ex's with someone - any takers?
Sorry I know I got into this one late but I just had to respond! If we are giving away ex's I want to put mine on the list! Redeeming factors? None at the moment, but 3 1/2 years ago he was great! We had keys to each others houses, he paid me CS even though we were only separated, we split school fees, supplies, pictures right down the middle, showed up together for school functions, sporting events...we got along so well people didn't even know we weren't together! Then came the pyscho wench! From that moment took 3 years for me to receive CS (a whop'n $27 a week with NO back support!), he doesn't offer a dime for ANYTHING even after he's been given receipts and has nothing to do with his son's education. Oh and the doctors thing? He took my son to a different doctor and lied to them about my son already seeing someone for his A.D.D. medication and when that office tried to tell me I had no right to know what was going on, I threw down the trump card that I was the CP, but in the end I had to find a new doctor for my son because both offices had been prescribing a controlled substance which is against the law! I don't give the school ANY information regarding him because he will try to cause trouble for my son (take him without my permission, lie about everything, try to change my son's schedule, lie about get the point.) I used to make him copies of EVERYTHING until he lied and told everybody I didn't, so now if he want's to know what's going on HE has to call the school and let them know he needs copies.
And the picture thing? We have 3 to buy for!! And for what? I know I'm old but when we got pictures we wrote stuff on the back and handed them out to EVERYBODY! Now a days you get a bazillion pictures that just sit in the envelope in the file cabinet because it's not "cool" to hand them out!!!! For a 13 year old boy its a fate worse than death! You can't give them to the girls because they will think you like them and you can't give them to the boys because they will think you're gay!!! How I long for the good OLD days!! LOL