From Maryland DLLR website under "What is a wage"Dig more carefully read of MD issues is that a benefit is a wage as defined ..and is not subject to bring changed backwards, only if one pay period in advance the definition of wage. At least as posted, you were granted benefit of paid leave well in advance w/o any other attached conditions....if you file suit for unpaid wage and prevail, you are entitled to 3x recovery plus attorney fees....but literature suggests you can only pick one road to pursue employer ....the attorney fee may be biggest part of issue least double check ....there is no rush to pick
"Fringe Benefit. This could be many things, but often involves some accrued or accumulated compensation such as vacation ("annual") leave, sick leave, or other promised benefit. "
If anything, paid bereavement may be able to be classified as a "promised benefit". Then the question would be could the employer rescind it without notification after I resigned. I still believe the claim may be the best route, as it is free. But are you saying If I file a claim and it is unsuccessful that I am disallowed from filing suit? Thanks again.