Senior Member
being rep payee does not mean it is the parent's money though although, as I stated previously most states do allow a parent to take any money a child earns and do with it as they will. I simply think that if the parent actually demands the payment as rent, he could end up with some IRS problems if the OP is inclined to cause trouble. The parent would essentially be changing seizable money into taxable income, if I understand the system correctly.I was under the impression that survivor's benefits for children were paid to their parent as their "rep payee" until they are 18 (or 19 if still in high school). My understanding is that the benefits that end at age 16, are the additional benefits that are paid to the caretaker of the child.
Therefore, as I am reading this thread I am thinking that dad is actually doing his son a big favor, because dad could keep the entire benefit. Instead, he is only keeping 270.00 of the benefit and letting the child have the rest.
I also have a problem with a child having to pay income tax on money that a parent seizes. Is it not then de facto income to the parent instead of the child? I don't know the tax system like you do. Maybe you can explain it to me so it makes sense.