Junior Member
What is the name of your state? NY
This is an entirely theoretical question, since my son does not want to go to college right now. His mother wants him to (I do too, but it's his choice to work-- he says he's tired of school) and claims that I would have to pay for it, and if I don't do it voluntarily, I could be sued and forced to by the court. We were never married, so there's no divorce agreement to that lays it all out in advance. My son was an average student (B's with the occasional A and C), could get into a state college if he wanted I think. Neither my ex nor I went to college.
Beyond the child support I will pay until he's 21, could he actually sue me if he were so inclined and be able to force me to pay for college expenses? Would the expenses be divided equally between his mother and me, based on income, or what? When he first told me his mom said this, I dismissed it as absurd... I couldn't have forced my married parents to give me a cent towards college. But now I'm not so sure. My Googling has come up with "it depends." I'm curious as to what it depends on exactly.
Also, I know that when you as a parent file a financial aid form, you have to report the income of your spouse, even if your spouse is the child's stepparent and not liable for any child support. Why do they ask for that if they can't ask the stepparent for any money? Or can they? I have tried researching this on Google but it is not clear at all, except that all parents and stepparents have to submit tax returns.
Thanks for any insight or legal info about this kind of thing.
This is an entirely theoretical question, since my son does not want to go to college right now. His mother wants him to (I do too, but it's his choice to work-- he says he's tired of school) and claims that I would have to pay for it, and if I don't do it voluntarily, I could be sued and forced to by the court. We were never married, so there's no divorce agreement to that lays it all out in advance. My son was an average student (B's with the occasional A and C), could get into a state college if he wanted I think. Neither my ex nor I went to college.
Beyond the child support I will pay until he's 21, could he actually sue me if he were so inclined and be able to force me to pay for college expenses? Would the expenses be divided equally between his mother and me, based on income, or what? When he first told me his mom said this, I dismissed it as absurd... I couldn't have forced my married parents to give me a cent towards college. But now I'm not so sure. My Googling has come up with "it depends." I'm curious as to what it depends on exactly.
Also, I know that when you as a parent file a financial aid form, you have to report the income of your spouse, even if your spouse is the child's stepparent and not liable for any child support. Why do they ask for that if they can't ask the stepparent for any money? Or can they? I have tried researching this on Google but it is not clear at all, except that all parents and stepparents have to submit tax returns.
Thanks for any insight or legal info about this kind of thing.