What is the name of your state? vt...I am paying off arrears of child support. (accumulated last year due to hospital and surgery keeping me out of work). I received a settlement (small one) and we want get our first home. My ex is wealthy and has a huge house. I am not wealthy nor is my hubby, but I am torn between getting our family a home or getting my arrears caught up. It would take us forever to ever save up enough down the road to be able to have a down payment. I owe a little over 5000.00, but have been paying my child support and 100.00 extra per month on arrears since back to work and never late. I want to put the money into my savings account, but my hubby said no, because it will be taken for the arrears by my ex or the state. My hubby wants us to have a home for our small kids, but I get criticized by my ex's family to catch up then buy. Im not sure what the right thing to do here is. This is causing problems. Any advice? Faith