Notbusted. I'm not a lawyer but my unprofessional advice would be to file a written complaint clearly and succinctly describing the situation, with your local court. This will get the ball rolling. This complaint would be sent to perverted justice when you file it and they will have a limited time to either respond and resolve the matter, or appear before a judge for a hearing. You would have to simply go and represent yourself. You would have to prove to the judge what you are claiming. If you do, the judge will likely order them to remedy the situation and could also order damages to you for defamation or harrassment. If you get to a hearing, be prepared to ask the judge for exacty what you want done to remedy the situation and exact dollar amounts for damages. You should also ask for this "remedy" in your written complaint. Many people represent themselves in complaints, but judges don't like people who represent themselves because they are usually unprepared, so be prepared, becasue PJ's attorneys will be. If you go to your local courthouse they usually have a library where you can obtain samples of other complaints to be sure to follow court procedure. If your complaint isn't structured properly their lawyers can get it tossed out on a technicality. A good book I'd recomend is called "Represent Yourself in Court, How to prepare and try a winning case" published by Nolo. I doubt you will get to the point of an actual lawsuit because once this in the courts they will likely try and remedy the problem fast. Which is why I think this would be better than just writing them a letter. But the book will guide you and give you an understanding of the process. Also keep reciepts and tabs on how much time you spend defending this matter, since you are representing yourself you may be able to ask the judge for your time and legal expenses (such as books and research) if you win or prove your case. If you are right, and they have done this wrongfully to you, don't be intimidated just because you don't have an attorney, just remember that you have to prove the things you are claiming in your complaint, and YOU MUST FOLLOW PROPER PROCESS, so do your research. if they are defaming you the way you say they are, I'd think it's be worth it to you. Also, even though they may not respond to a letter, draft and send them a short letter explaining the situation and asking them to fix it immediately, then file that letter with your complaint to show that you have taken steps to resolve it, but still need the courts help.
I can kind of relate, I've been personally villified and defamed in another way by my former fiance, so far she's gotten away with it because she has an attorney and I don't, but I'm learning the process and basically taking the same steps, for basically the same reasons, I have no alternative. (nothing to do with pedophelia).
But remember, just saying you are innocent isn't enough, make sure you can prove it, from what you said it sounds like you can prove it.
For whatever it's worth, I believe you and I know how easily such a thing can happen to an innocent person. On that note you should be able to ask for damages under emotional pain and suffering. Describe how this has effected your life, such as how you are paranoid people are after you and how it has effected your relationships with freinds, girlfriend, and how it has effected your life overall. State that you have never had these conditions. Get written statements or have your friends. co workers or anyone who can testify to the effects, to come to the hearing, if it comes to that.
The main thing you need to figure out is how juristiction works since they are based somewhere else. I'd recomend finding a low cost legal consultant service available in most counties. Not going to an actual attorney for representation but there are low cost referal services where an attorney will look over your paperwork and advise and guide you usually like $50 per visit, then you go do the actual filings and represent yourself.
Keep us posted.