kahless720 said:She did attempt to call the authorities before her cellphone was taken, it didnt go through for some reason. the phone was maulfunctioning beforehand anyways.
the only reason her car is in her mom's name is coz her mom has a car that is in her name (they swaped). she does have the means to support her self and her child. The only reason custody was taken from her is coz the parents lied to the husband, who helped them obtain temporary guardianship. and as i said, the husband originally signed papers supporting the grandparents petition for temporary guardianship, however, he realizes what was really done and wants to have the order revoked and assist my friend, the mother.
No, custody was taken from her because she left her child without telling anyone she was leaving! That is considered neglectful!! If the cell phone was malfunctioning, she could have used a neighbors phone, a pay phone, or what about the home phone? The judge is not going to accept that as an excuse. After she decided to leave she could have called the husband and told him what was going on. Something about this story is not adding up to me.