I'm not going to go back and forth with you.
It appears that you are.
I'll just leave it at you assume a lot, so thanks for the laughs.
There is little to assume in your case, you demonstrate your failure to follow the rules of this forum, you use profanity without provokation or cause and are controlling. You did not do your research and you are the one adding to the instability of your children. I take it the "letter" from your daughter's counselor didn't change the school's decision to redistribute with the addition of a new teacher. Smaller class size is in your child's favor and gives her more attention. I'm glad that I'm not having to deal with you on any basis.
Are you always so far off the mark in your legal
and just who are you to assume that? Your actual legal questions here have been few once we had the information from you so we could give advice, there was nothing wrong with my legal advise to you.
*and* pseudo-psychological advice?
Of course you have to put a "?" after "pseudo-psychological advice" because I gave none.
In glancing through some of your past responses, it would seem so.
Glance, indeed, as well as you researched international travel and couldn't find the US State Department site??? Not much of a perfectionist are you, nor like when someone actually documents what you said rather than assume as you claim. And you say you are not controlling?