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Can a probation officer discuss your case with your boss in a casual setting? Also is there any way to get off life time probation?


hannah jo

Your employer should know that you are on probation - and for what reason. Youalso agreed when you accpeted the probation sentence that the probation officer could check up on you at some, at work and in the community. Criminal arrest records are, to soem extent, public record. So long as the officer is discussing your case, and not information gathered by the probation office in confidence for the background investigation, the officer is within his legal rights. He can also inquire as to whether the employer notices anything unusual (such as action that may indicate trouble is brewing, drugs or alcohol may be being used or abused and the like). So, the a great extent, your right to privacy has been reduced by being on probation. As the the life time probation - thatis an issue that your defense attorney shold have addressed with you at sentencing. If he did not, the attorney or your probation officer should be able to if there is a way to get it terminated at some point. You need to ask.

Please note that these comments do not constitute legal advice. It is always recommended that you consult with a local attorney, who can explore all the facts and issues of your specific situation and then advise you of any legal rights and remedies you may have under the current laws of your jurisdiction.

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