That's actually how I know that it's a direct quote from the ex. Unruly NEVER speaks to me that way, is a very respectful and well behaved little girl - unless she's quoting her father.
The kids are Wild and Unruly because of the Dixie Chicks song "Cowboy Take Me Away"... "I wanna grow something Wild and Unruly"
I have another question...
My life has been VERY peaceful the past year or so that there have been restraining orders against me. Keeps SMom away from me and keeps exchanges public and keeps Stupidhead from instigating altercations... but those restraining orders expire in a couple of weeks... is it possible to request that they be extended or even made permanent? I know it's odd as the person they're against to be requesting something like that, but you wouldn't believe how much easier it's made my life and my kids' lives.
If I can't do it at this hearing, can i do it at all?
If I can't do it at all, can I request - at this hearing - that a permanent modification/adendum be added to the parenting plan to require public exchanges?
Just spoke to the Sheriff's department. They show the service is 'valid' until the 19th and that stupidhead has not been served yet, but that the server worked over the weekend and just hasn't turned in his paperwork yet.
Stupidhead was VERY 'normal' (for him) at the exchange Sunday night, so I was assuming he hadn't been served yet... again, no cats nailed to my front door...