Rmet, no.. she hasn't been tested for that. (I used Google and checked it out... she's never had either the fingerstick test on that nor the blood draw... I have all of her lab results and there's no AAT test listed as a result. She's never had a fingerstick test, period.)
What started all of this is when we moved to TN and took her to a new doctor to get established. His SOP is to get bloodwork and urinalysis on all new patients up front. Took her in and that that done at the lab. He got the results back and that's when we found out about all her problems. Her doctor in Missouri never ran any bloodwork on her, just saw her for the normal kid things (colds, etc.). Before she was with me in Missouri, she was with her dad in Georgia for 3 years and didn't see a doctor the whole time she was with him. Prior to our separation and divorce, she'd seen the doctor as needed, and had been hospitalized once with a massive ear infection that didn't respond to the antibiotics her ped. prescribed. Now that you have that history, back to the bloodwork..
Bloodwork showed high triglycerides, high cholesterol, high glucose, etc. Lots of abnormal results. Massive amounts of protein in her urine. She was referred to an Endocrinologist and Nephrologist. Both did separate bloodwork and urinalysis on her. Endocrinologist diagnosed her as a Type II Diabetic (even at 12 YO) and prescribed Starlix for her. She was taking that, her sugars would drop to 50 and below, so her normal doctor took her off of that and put her on metformin. She still takes it. Nephrologist wanted to do a kidney biopsy because of the amounts of protein in her urine and that was done last December. The biopsy was done at Vanderbilt in Nashville on a Friday, the next day we were back at Vandy because she was in so much pain... had developed a blood clot from the biopsy behind her kidney. She was admitted. Diagnosis from the biopsy was that the changes in her kidneys were due to the diabetes, even though her doctor stated they usually don't see these type of changes until a person has had diabetes for years. (maybe she's had it for years and we didn't know, because no doctor had ever done a blood test on her for it..?)
Bloodwork done again in February of this year. Glucose still high, triclycerides still high although not as high as previous, protein still in the urine. Doctor says her liver is 8 fingers wide, and that a normal liver is 4. CT and US done of her liver, showing fatty deposits. He diagnosis her with fatty liver disease and metabolic disorder.
She next saw him again last month. Upon exam he states her liver is now about 11 fingers wide. More bloodwork and urinalysis done. To save space, I'll only list the abnormal results from that panel here. Anything not listed was within normal ranges.
Blood Chemistry:
Sodium - 134 (low)
Chloride - 167 (high)
Uric Acid - 8.5 (high)
Triglycerides - 1,580 (high. Result repeated and verified)
Cholesterol - 288
HDL Cholesterol - 25 (Low. Result repeated and verified)
Chol/HDL ratio 11.5 (high)
C-Reactive Protein - 9.65 (high)
A1C Hemoglobin - 7.3 (high according to the normal parameters used by this particular lab, but not too excessive according to the doctor)
C-Peptide - 14.5 (high. Result repeated and verified)
Platelet Count - 449 (high)
Sedimentation rate - 75 (high)
Protein - 300 (high)
Glucose - 100 (high)
Hemoglobin - Trace
Urine Microscopic:
WBC - 3-5 (high)
He didn't order a creatinine clearance test as he was leaving town the next day and wont be back until this month. She has an appointment on the 21st, and we'll be doing that then. The last one she had, done in February was >5,000. He also is thinking about putting her on a cholesterol med. but didn't want to do that until he got back in case she has side effects from it.
Her thyroid is fine. T4 total is 8.4 and TSH is 1.879. Liver function results are normal. AST is 23 and ALT is 28. Her ANA Screen was negative.