Ummmm, some people have experience in OH and know what is typical/usual of the courts and their procedures. Fortunately for me, I haven't ever had to go through nasty court proceedings, changes in circumstances, etc. Our lives since the divorce have been relatively normal and amicable. My X has more than doubled his income and I haven't even THOUGHT about having CS reviewd b/c I don't care about the $. As long as he is in my daughter's life and being a good father (which he has) and giving her what she deserves as his child, that is all that I ask. If you aren't one of those people that has experience in what I was asking about, I certainly don't want to waste your time in responding to me.
Oh, and I have been researching on the internet on every freaking website you could imagine. I'm sure you can understand that since the NCP in my situation has decided to get a hair up his a$$ and threaten the only damn thing that matters in my life, it consumes just about every second of every day for me. Its all I worry about non-stop. So forgive me if I ask questions that you or others might think are annoying. I'm just trying to get some insight and put my mind at ease. Usually I just read posts, I don't really respond or start my own threads. Your type of response is why.