Thanks, LDIj, and stealth. I will see about that journal thing, I think it might be a great idea. Lately I just wake up in the morning with that dread of going back to court and wondering what will happen. The child support is behind and i'm having difficulty paying the bills and it is all just snowballing. I know I can always ask you guys for help, but I don't know how much longer i'll have internet, and when it is gone I will lose that support, the only legal support I have. It kinds of sucks that he lays in bed at night knowing everything is being handled for him.
Totally not an equal playing field. I feel like I have so much more to lose than he does, as I invest almost my every waking hour in my kids, and he acts like he really doesn't care one way or the other, it seems like mostly the SM and MIL doing all this nonsense in court. He didn't even know anything had been filed on his behalf this time! :\
I was really, really angry and frustrated last night and I figured i'd just go to bed rather than checking the forum over and over and taking it all personally.
Stealth, I have spoken with several local people in the law field, and it seems like the more I think I "know" about court by researching, the more they tell me i'm an idiot. OG gave me a specific clause to put into my CO about not having third parties interfere, and when I spoke with a lawyer he told me it was stupid and there was no way that third parties would be dealt with in my CO, they would have to be tackled with a seperate civil harassment packet. I am pretty sure this is not true, and he just wanted me to pay him to do BOTH things instead of just one (and I ended up not paying him to do either.) I try and try to research what I can do in the courtroom and when I talk to people around here in regards to filling out my paperwork for me they tell me i'm stupid for researching on the internet. A couple have even told me that some of the advice
CC gave me was wrong, and I seriously don't believe that. When they asked "Where did you hear that?" I said "Oh, my friend who is a court clerk in a nearby county told me that." [I didn't think it was any of their business that CC told me on an internet forum.] Them: "Oh, that's all wrong, you really need representation. Blah blah blah. Don't be so quick to believe what
friends tell you." Even the paralegals i've spoken with always show their rage and frustration instead of just taking my notes and filing them in the paperwork for me. One of them even told me I was a terrible mom and that I didn't fight hard enough to keep them away from dad after the
SB courts[not me] gave him visitation.
I really feel like i'm being beaten down sometimes, not just by dad's family, but by everyone in the stupid legal field.
I am trying not to feed into the drama, and have been doing better recently, but I will try harder. I didn't post that thing I wanted to post last night, I just left it alone. I have had no interaction with SM since the mid-March thing and although she keeps trying to contact me, I haven't been answering.
The one thing I have going for me, is that everyone I have spoken with agrees that I have a really nice judge, and "i'll do ok with the judge." I guess at least that should give me comfort.