Ohiogal said:
Thank you, as well Ohiogal. So, basically what this is stating is that the total income of the household is a deciding factor in the cs?? I don't understand, maybe I'm reading this wrong, but the sections that you quoted mention the benefits of living with another person. He is actually remarried, I am just "living in sin" . Neither should have an impact on our cs, IMO. Both parties (his wife, my bf) are legal strangers, so why should their incomes matter? I think I'm reading this wrong. Is this only for OH, or is this pretty much standard across the US?
Again, thank you all for your input. I guess I can consider myself lucky for several reasons. The first being that I HAVE had this time with my daughter without him. Although it is sad for her, she is so young that she doesn't really understand that her father wasn't around b/c he was immature. She thinks it was b/c he flew planes (was in the military, even though he got out and still chose to stay away, I never speak an ill word of him). My daughter is my absolute best friend. My ex and I had an amicable divorce. We agreed on everything, and have had a wonderful relationship until his wife/family pushed this e.o. year tax exemption thing (which I actually have no problem with). I feel lucky for not having to go through some of the drama that I have read about here. But most of all, I feel lucky for having such a well-adjusted child who knows no sadness, confusion or guilt when it comes to being a child of divorced parents. I've worked hard for her to feel "normal" and loved. I just want to keep it that way.