If an event that caused injury to plaintiff,was not caused as a result of defendant action,or omission to act,when he had duty to act,and the event that caused the injury was not controlled,and couldn't have been controlled by defendant,we have a so called "accident".
I am saying no one can bear liability,for such event.
Am I right?
If I am right,and no one can bear liability for such event,why is the need for "release of liability for accidents"? When everybody is released from liability from accidents as a matter of law.If its proven it was an accident,how can you attribute,guilt/fault?
The problem is,proving it was an accident,and not result of negligence or intentional act of another.
And any time one says...it was an accident...it is not my fault....no paper with release from liability for an accident will preclude/stop the injured to file the lawsuit and prove it wasn't an accident.
What is the purpose of release of liability for an accident?What would one need it for?
You guys talk about that kind of accidents,not "traffic accidents" right?Traffic accidents are called accidents,but guilt and liability is attributed to those all the time - they are not accidents,in the meaning I spoke of
For example
Teacher A. and teacher B....have a class outside with the students.Teacher A has ,so called release of liability,teacher B doesn't.
Out of nowhere....bum... a crazy driver just drove from the road,crushed the school fence and hit one of the students....
A says...I have release of liability for accidents look...
B says...I don't but I am not liable for accidents too,how can I be?
Students guardians say...doesn't matter if you have release of liability or not,we are taking you both to court,to prove you neglected your duties...
result no 1...
There was trial and it was determined it was an accident.Both teachers are off the hook
result no2
There was a trial and it was determined negligence can be attributed to the teachers..they are both in trouble
What did the release do?