I live in Philadelphia. My best friend works for a religious based out patient physicians office. She knew this before she applied, in the interview they asked her what her favorite bible verse was and who her pastor was. They also asked about her personal life (husband, kids), upon employment she was told that "devotionals" are mandatory four days a week. Spiritual job retreats (not job improvement related) was mandatory as well as prayer groups/sessions, where they are to share personal information. Employees have been denied job advancement not because they lack the skills !but because they were in "sin" (child out of wedlock). Another employee was told that she needed to share her experience because if she didn't she would be judged the employees so she had to sit there in front of 100 co-workers and "testify" to her being pregnant and un-married. She was humiliated, and shocked that they would ask her to do such a thing. She was later fired for showing up to devotional late. (devotional is paid). If you refuse to go they sit you down and "talk" to you, and pressured as a "Christian" to the right thing. Other workers are over worked, under staffed, and under paid. One employee comes in two hours early(unpaid) just to start her work so she doesn't fall behind. Employees are denied FMLA, when children are hospitalized and parents are dying of cancer. The HR dept won't talk directly to them, he sends them back to their manger to tell them the problem and the manager never get back to the employees. The "Committee or Board" is made up of all friends and family that go to the same church, and they feel they have no one to turn to.