Wanted to post here as I have a question that arose. Basically, this past month, I have been experiencing weird head feelings at random times and they will last 2-3 days or 4-5 days at a time. They are spacey head feelings and I feel like I can't focus. Sometimes, I'll get a dizzy spell feeling where everything becomes muffled as if I'm going to faint. A few days ago, I woke up at 7:30am and started having a panic attack. I took a hydroxyzine which the Dr. prescribed for as needed anxiety medication. It immediately calmed me down but I still went about my day with a fuzzy head feeling. Since yesterday, the top of my head has been hurting (like pressure). I took ibuprofen and that doesn't relieve it. Also, when I stare off, I get a dizzy spell feeling.
With all of this said, I explained it to my therapist and she suggested I tell my Dr. to have me referred to a neurologist. When I asked the Dr., she immediately pushed it as anxiety/PTSD and said that going to a neurologist wouldn't do anything because if I had head injuries, it would've shown shortly after the initial incident. I'm aware the WC Dr. and WC adjusters are supposed to protect the employer in the best way possible therefore that's why they're brushing my request off.
Unfortunately, I don't have insurance thru my employer to go see a Dr. myself and I'm dealing with an Urgent Care WC Dr. My therapist said if I had any issues and don't feel I'm getting the help I need, I can get an ombudsman. Is that true and if so, is it only if they deny claims or what? Do I bring this up to my adjuster?
Sorry for the long post. I'm just trying to get better.