Then I don't see how you expect any real help. Sorry.
Alright, fine.
About 6 years ago, my wife and I divorced. We agreed to a settlement that gave us joint custody, but she was designated as their primary residence. However, she had started allowing the children (at that time they were in 1st and 2nd grade) to stay home anytime they claimed to be sick. I obvjected to this and said that unless they had a fever, they needed to go to school. Oddly, they seemed to have a "fever" (according to my ex-wife) about 2 days a week. their absences were beginning to be excessive. on one particular day, when the boys stayed home, I paid her a visit and checked the boys temperatur. No fever. So, I argued that they needed to be in school and told my ex that if she didn't take them to school, I would. She decided to call the police. When the police arrived, I explained to them that I was only there to take the children to school because they have excessive absences. They explained to me that it didn't matter. If she wanted me to leave I had to leave and she signed a warning of criminal trespass so that I could no longer visit the kids at her apartment. When I asked the police how I could ensure that she was complying with the compulsory attendance law, they said that wasn't their problem.
So over the next year or so, I called their school and explained the problem. They didn't show any concern. I knew at that time, if we didn't nail this down, right then (when they were still small enough to carry to school) that this would be a serious problem later on. So I called child Protective Services. I communicated with case workers, supervisors, and eventually the Chairman. All them told me the same thing. This was the school's problem, not theirs. but the school was ignoring me. So I wrote the governor's office explaining to him that I could not get one city or state agency to assist me with this problem. once again, I was told that this wasn't an issue they could help me with.
So I filed a custody case against her. I couldn't afford an attorney, so I filed pro bono. I spent hundreds of hours researching the law. I filed my own petition, I sent my own interogotories, and we were about ready to go to hearing when my ex stated that she wanted to reconcile. So, I was faced with either battling this out in court, without an attorney, even though because of my ex's economic status, she was afforded a free attorney, and risk an uncertain outcome, OR agree to the reconlilation and have more direct control over our children.
We reconciled about three years ago, but the damage was already done. The habits were embedded and my struggles to undo the damage were burdensome. At first, my ex-ex, now wife, resisted my every effort to place consequences on their refusal to go to school. She was the one who threatened to turn me into CPS because I dragged my kid halfway across the floor to force him into the car. I tried grounding them, she said that it was unfair because she felt they were really sick (even though they had no fever). I was in constant contact with the school, asking them to try to talk to my wife and explain to her that attendance is manadatory by law. but again....they all said it's my problem. and it is my problem, but while I have direct control over my kids, I do not have any authority over my wife, who is a grown adult. It is only now, after it has become an insurmountable problem, that I have finally convinced my wife to implement harsh consequences for unexcused absences, but now it's a little too late. had I been able to enforce this when they were in 1st grade, we wouldn't be where we are today.
Looking back on it, maybe I should have gone through with the custody case, but it is quite intimidating to do a pro bono case against a lisenced attorney.
I have been pleading for help now for six years, and after being ignored by nearly everybody, they now want to impose a fine on me for negligence. I just want to problem solved. I just want what I have wanted since they began school...I want them to go to school every day, but it is now to the point where I need someone to let them know, Mom can't excuse you from school. Dad is right and when an officer shows up at the door to take you to school you will see that neither mom nor Dad can exempt you from mandatory compliance.
now...all of you go ahead and take shots at me as I'm sure you will