Senior Member
Coincidentally enough, I spoke with the principal just a minute ago. She is VERY interested in finding out what's going on as she and the teacher spoke just yesterday about Unruly and Mrs. N (teacher) told Mrs. H (principal) that she'd received the intake form for the psychologist and wanted to make sure that she'd filled it out completely (I provided her with this form) - she never mentioned a letter to my ex.Told you he'd eventuall unravel...he definately needs some time in an 'I Love Me' jacket and perhaps a padded room
Definately go to the Principal~ I'm having issues with the authenticity of the 'letter' myself...it's uncommon for teachers to get involved to that extent (beyond a conference, etc.)
I told Mrs. H that the letter had mentioned how concerned the teacher was about the pants wetting. Mrs H said "we talked about this last year when you called. Mrs N said then that there were NO concerns at all." I agreed that's what was SAID but that this letter contradicts that.
So, she's going to speak with the teacher and get back to me today. She's equally concerned that the letter is less than authentic and that it IS authentic and the teacher is being sucked into the drama.
I told her about Stupidhead calling DSS on me and that he's trying to use these things as evidence of abuse and that makes it even more crucial that ALL communication w/us be open, honest and equal. She agreed wholeheartedly.
So, I await the phone call.
Interestingly though...
Fraudulent or not, this letter is the ONLY piece of 'evidence' that indicates a teacher's concern about Unruly's behavior or development. None of the 'official' communications from the school reflect that. So, Stupidhead HAS to submit it as evidence or he HAS to admit that my evidence that she's completely normal is valid. He's in a corner on this one, I think.
Also, he's in contempt (duh) AGAIN w/this letter as it's (allegedly) communication from the teacher or school and guess who was not provided with a copy per the order?