I see some points...
I will be the first to note one thing, I am only 17 years old, as FryLover kindly referred to me as "Young Alexander". However, I'd be glad to divulge in great detail why I stand where I do and what credits me to such standings. First things first; What credits me to my standings? Experience. I've been through the drugs, sex, robberies and the nature (Which I've recently come to a realization about), I've been there and done that. I've been responsible for my younger friends for as long as I can remember. I've raised an impromtu little brother of mine, Capen, coming from a horrible home situation. I've seen a good friend of mine shot in the lung. However I've also seen the good, I've seen people strive past the limitations of their records and pasts, as I have done myself. I'm greatly involved with the high school I attended in their good efforts and I support great equality amongst all human beings. My age is not a discredit to my viewpoints FryLover, I acutally see it in reverse, where my age grants me the open-mind to see things differently than most, however I've been in the situations that supposedly form an "adult-mind".
Back to the subject, the problem with denying parents the "privilege" of acting as a chapperone on a trip is simple, as follws: When we ebgin doing this, with no reason other than "rather safe than sorry" we no longer have anything to be "safe" about because at that point we've lost everything sacred and good in our lives. We have nothing left to protect besides our own insanity complexes. "Controversial Date Rape Charges" refers to situations, I myself have been in. Situations where I myself have been come on to, recieved oral sex while under the influence of alcohol, never even touched the girl, and two days later I'm accused of "date-rape". Same situation happens when I am a parent, and I'm denied the RIGHT to accompany my OWN child on a school trip? That does scare me. When parents are forced to decide between not accompanying their child in the hopes that others will see to him/her, or not letting their child attend these enlightening trips, that is a situation that should not arise.
Often times we mistake paranoia/fear for care, I've seen alot, but my drama teacher never denied any chapperone whom seemed appropriate to her eyes, by meeting them and talking with them (not running background checks on them) and we never had a problem, ever.
I see your points of view, I truly do. I have many people in my life who I would never let in a situation that I was not 100% okay with, including my "impromtu brother" I spoke of earlier. Love is what fuels us, but paranoia is what tears down our loved.
Sincerly and Respectfully,
- Justin Peters