Your post that I responded to didn't provide that information.If that's the case, why is it that when I was "convicted" the people at the court even said that it would not hinder me for any job or college applications? So I don't know who to believe, the court or you. I mean I went to a group hearing and everything the judge said, "If you complete these 8 hours I'm assigning you, you will not be charged with a $295 fine and your record would be clear."
It sounds like you got a 'deferred entry of judgment' (also known as a PC1000, in reference to the applicable Penal Code).
At this time, you have a conviction (as I noted), but this means that if you successfully complete ALL the conditions given, your 'charge' will be waived.
For more on the PC1000... go to:
California Penal Code Section 1000.1 - California Attorney Resources - California Laws