Just an update..... So, his attorney and my attorney drew up an agreement yesterday that we would start using the visitation center to exchange and that until it was set up, we would exchange at the police station. The visitation center tried to contact him several times and his wife told them she wanted to start picking him up there tonight. They said that was fine but that they had to talk to "dad" and that he was the one who had to go and sign the papers. He will not call them back even though they are the ones who brought up exchanging there in the first place, so I went to the police station to exchange and sat there for an hour with my son and no one showed. The officer there documented it. Now at leased I have a witness that I am trying to echange and he is just not showing. I don't think he even wants to visit with my son anymore and it's just his wife trying to set it up. It wouldn't be the first time. Anyway, I guess I'm just venting on here.