Well masetro thank you and you Jawa for your added contributions.
Do you mean, maestro, to say that you're hard pressed to find legislation requiring a citing officer show the radar to the citee or that you're hard pressed to find legislation forbidding?
The answer is both, I found nothing either way and I have not come across any cases or information where someone challenged the fact they were not afforded the opportunity to view the reading and this was grounds for a dismissal or affirming the conviction.
CdwJava, is correct about the time to view evidence is in the court and this is another thing the officers and courts stand behind. However think about it this way if they search your car and said they found something illegal while you are standing there and never show it to you and said you'll have your chance to see what they found at court this would not be acceptable and courts have through things like this out.
However, keep in mind when your freedom is on the line the courts generally follow a much stricter rules and procedures than they do in traffic violation.
I have to agree with CdwJava the real reason is the officer or the local government does not want a law suits on their hands if something happen to you while your trying see the reading. I personal seen police and others do things which you would say is highly unethical/unusual because a lawyer from an insurance company said to do something.
The problem you have and everyone else including the courts is you're being cited because of some number showing up on a display and we have to take everyone's word for it that it is true and accurate and it actually happened.
I personally do not understand why the measuring device can not have printer on it with a date and time stamp with your speed and today add GPS for location, all these types of questions would go away. However, if this was done I think a lot less tickets would be issued, especially in towns where the police and towns keep most of the money.
Also, I do not by the safety thing in all cases especial in CA where there are lots of officers on motorcycles and they are using hand held units which are battery operated, why they can not walk up to your car with the unit in hand, you can be guaranty that all LIDAR are hand held.
One last thing on this subject, and CdwJava, might even know about this, police are currently testing out systems which they can take pictures while moving and have it read your plate and run a report on the plate in real time, they will also be able to record your speed and have a picture of your plate and the speed you're going and the locations. you are probably 10 to 15 away from seeing these systems showing up all over the place, so welcome to 1984.
One odd thing was the original officer said "I got you on radar," and then changed it to "Lidar," which the second backed up.
Since LIDAR is pretty new it might have been a verbal mistake on the officer part, do not put too much weight on that statement, plus he wrote a distance down so that means it was LIDAR.
Also, I believe in CA there is no judicial notice on LIDAR, what this means is the courts do not except it as being fact and a proven technology so you can challenge the accuracy of it and the state has to have expert witnesses contest to the fact it is accurate under the conditions it was used in your case, CdwJava can probably tell you if that is true, it is what I have read.
I know I'm not going to win this alone just because of what you've said. It's his WORD used in court, the lidar or radar reading isn't even used. His word against mine. He need present no evidence save that, and in this star chamber, I have no chance. Prove beyond a reasonable doubt is a joke in traffic court. Let's try looking at the triadic relationship presented by the judge, the officer, and me. Which two are most likely to collude? The judge and I are or the judge and the officer? I don't want to waste my money on a lawyer but I'm still upset at this. It's a waste of my traffic school and I wasn't going that speed. What makes me say he was greedy is that if he had such a great vantage point from slightly to my left 550 feet in front of me--and there was other traffic--then he should've seen that she was tailgating me, and that whatever speed I was going, it was because I was passing the traffic on my right to move over.
I can tell you I have read and personally seen judges get upset with the officers even if it appears they are drinking buddies especial if the officer has screwed up or tries to do things that is obviously wrong to protect is conviction rate. It is not always against you, what you need to do when you walk in is make friends with the judge and be a straight shooter and not make him think your trying to pull a fast one.
One last thing if you want to learn about LIDAR and how to fight it there is a guy at this site who have lots of information about how they are used and all the sources of errors.