I work for one of the companies which supply much of this technology to the public safety sector, and it my understanding the money is coming from the Feds for homeland security and they want the locals to have this technology so they can track and locate people. I'll leave it at that.
We HEAR a lot ... too often the money for these toys does not materialize, or the matching funds, training and maintenance requirements, and associated mandates make them unpalatable.
We're still reeling from all the Homeland Security money that bought us WMD gear, supplies, equipment, etc., but did not pay one penny towards training or replacement ... most the stuff (suits, breathers, masks, etc.) have expired or otherwise become outdated and we could never afford to train in them as most the gear could not be replaced! So, we could have used it for training, but then we would not have had any for the real thing! Great Catch-22.
Practical application and affordability usually lags far behind availability. Then there is technology that is a monopoly - like the Taser, for instance. Taser has no competition and the prices have not appreciably dropped in 7 years because of that. Any new system using proprietary technology will likely be unaffordable by the majority of law enforcement agencies.
- Carl