The last time she was in a psych ward a couple years ago she was told to see a psychiatrist, I believe, but she doesn't stay with it. The child stayed at the house (his other grandma's, and aunt is/was living there, aunt saw the incident and called 911) and mom was taken by EMS to a local hospital psych ward but they released her within a couple of hours. The policeman remarked to the sis that mom seemed "strung out" but it's not in the report, just that mom and sis had argued over mom's abuse of meds before the knife was pulled.I could but I haven't. Jan your son needs to read the rules of evidence and understand them. As well as the local rules.
Is mom under psychological counseling? Has her psychologist/psychiatrist been subpoenaed or a court order requested to force said medical professional to testify? If she is not under counseling why not? Was the child removed under JR 6 from mother's presence by police? He can subpoena the police officer who took the report or was present and witnessed any of this. He can also question the CSB worker regarding the worker's observations or conversation with mom.
Case worker, last I heard, could not interview mom because mom wouldn't allow her to talk to her in the home of the friend she was/is (we're not sure) staying with after the incident. Which does not make sense, one other time mom reported my son (unfounded) to them and they talked to her at her sister's home because it's in son's county and bm's was in the county where the court case is. Worker has talked to the child, dad and his stepmom but not sure if anyone else.