NY. What are the laws and "limits" pertaining to the police conducting surveillance on a person in and around their private home? For instance, can they video you thru the tiny holes in your shades (the ones that the draw string goes thru) or can they use infrared devices to monitor you in your home and how about listening, can they sneak into your home and plant bugs or can they have someone who visits your home put a bug in? Also can any of this be used against you in court and can you have all the recordings submitted as evidence since they will only enter recordings that favor them? This might sound weird but should you bring them coffee like in the movies when they're watching the Mob or how about waving to them or saying nice things like: "Wow it must be 100 degrees outside, Oh hunny, how about making up some iced tea for thoose guys watching over us (spying on us) in the trees. Like what grand jury is going to believe you were violating the law when you knew the law was watching????
Also, even with a court order are they violating privacy if your in the nude and not engaged in anything illegal and can this be used against them for invasion?
[Edited by Hoodood on 07-13-2001 at 12:14 PM]
Also, even with a court order are they violating privacy if your in the nude and not engaged in anything illegal and can this be used against them for invasion?
[Edited by Hoodood on 07-13-2001 at 12:14 PM]