Kelly Burr
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?nv Can SSD be garnished for back child support if it is the only source of income? He has been permanently disabled since 2003.
There's no need to start multiple threads on the same subject .Children in question are 35 and 37 years old. NCP was paying arrears until catastrophic illness in 2003. Has been permanently disabled since then. We are now trying to decipher between SSDI and SSI. Some of my paperwork for him says SSDI and others say SSI. Just trying to get a handle on the situation. I have power of attorney and need to know what is legal and correct. Thanx for any information.
Visit your local SSA office ASAP with all paperwork and info. you have .SSD began in 2004. County has pretty much pushed the case off to the side, esp. after we submitted modification papers. The CP then contacted Supportkids, and they have been unsuccessful in collecting. I understand that Supportkids then turned the case over to a third party, legal firm, for repayment of defaulted loans. It has come up in conversation that because it went to Supportkids/third party that it can be dischaged in bankruptcy court. Don't know whether that is true or not. We received notice from SS that beginning Oct, they will be taking 65% of his SS check. When I did the modification, after all his expenses were paid, he had a whopping $37.00 left. The Dr's just told us that he is in renal failure, and dialysis is the next step. When I went to the County website, the documents as of 2007 said case closed. So, as you can see, I am confused. Any info. is much appreciated.