I filed an application for title II and title XIV for Social Security disability on 16 Aug 07 the application was denied initially on 1Nov07. And upon reconsideration on 11Jan08 on 24Jan08 I file for an appeal hearing date scheduled for 15Sep09 located at the Louisville Ky appeals office. Walter J Olin was my legal representative at the time. The Honorable Eduardo Soto was my ALJ via video teleconferencing from Chattanooga TN.
I had previously applied on 24 February 04 for title II and XIV Social Security disability benefits with and AOD for 20 August 03. The application was denied by an ALJ on 13Jan06 the decision was affirmed by the appeals council on 27Jul07. Because I filed a subsequent application while my original application was still under review by the AC. My AOD was now set at the day after the previous ALJ decision dated (14Jan06).
On 1Sep09, 2 weeks prior to my appeals hearing my representative wrote a (brief) statement in support of fully favorable decision on my behalf. He attached a statement in support of a fully favorable decision with new material evidence: res judicata the MRI of the cervical spine dated 8Jun07 confirms “ventral effacement of the spinal cord (exhibit 1- f) page 6. It also includes consultive psychological reports indicating a GAF of only 48 confirming impairment of memory and concentration (exhibit 3-F) with this new finding it constituted new material evidence at the time which permitted reopening of the prior ALJ decision dated 13jan06. With the fully favorable decision on the record during the court proceedings on 15Sep09 and in the decision letter dated 29Sep09. The appeal for the current application dated 16aug07 with the new material evidence performed 8jun07 was within the four-year permissive timeframe for reopening at that time. Social Security Ofc in New Albany In Received the new material evidence documents on 7Sep07And they scan the documents into Social Security system on 14Sep07.
The Honorable Eduardo Soto gave great weight to the conclusions of the VA personnel who concluded that my impairments prevented all work and are disabling. He gave little weight to the state agencies medical consultants, physical assessments, psychological consults and mental assessments because VA medical Centers opinion is more consistent with record. The decision was fully favorable. However, he didn't give a fully favorable in my opinion because the Alj didn't grant the AOD as requested.
On the record at the hearing he said that he didn't have a copy of the prior ALJ decision and that the revision would have to be done at the determination FO. Yet he didn't put a memorandum or notice of any kind in the file and according to 20 CFR The FO was suppose to include file information from the prior C- file if they were subsequent and within the 4yr time frame for a revision/reopening. I Just recently found that I could get a full copy of Exhibit file and my entire SSA file to include the appeals hearing. I listen to the ALJ on the record comments. But nothing was done. The FO says that nothing can be done because I have a good reason for appeal so late. I was represented by an attorney but he probably thought they were working on it just like I did. I currently have an impairment in memory, concentration and processing of information. I have PTSD/depressive disorder. I welcome any advise on how I can go about getting My original Onset date. I stopped working on 20 AUG03 because the Veterans Affairs approved me for 100% permanent and total disability
I had previously applied on 24 February 04 for title II and XIV Social Security disability benefits with and AOD for 20 August 03. The application was denied by an ALJ on 13Jan06 the decision was affirmed by the appeals council on 27Jul07. Because I filed a subsequent application while my original application was still under review by the AC. My AOD was now set at the day after the previous ALJ decision dated (14Jan06).
On 1Sep09, 2 weeks prior to my appeals hearing my representative wrote a (brief) statement in support of fully favorable decision on my behalf. He attached a statement in support of a fully favorable decision with new material evidence: res judicata the MRI of the cervical spine dated 8Jun07 confirms “ventral effacement of the spinal cord (exhibit 1- f) page 6. It also includes consultive psychological reports indicating a GAF of only 48 confirming impairment of memory and concentration (exhibit 3-F) with this new finding it constituted new material evidence at the time which permitted reopening of the prior ALJ decision dated 13jan06. With the fully favorable decision on the record during the court proceedings on 15Sep09 and in the decision letter dated 29Sep09. The appeal for the current application dated 16aug07 with the new material evidence performed 8jun07 was within the four-year permissive timeframe for reopening at that time. Social Security Ofc in New Albany In Received the new material evidence documents on 7Sep07And they scan the documents into Social Security system on 14Sep07.
The Honorable Eduardo Soto gave great weight to the conclusions of the VA personnel who concluded that my impairments prevented all work and are disabling. He gave little weight to the state agencies medical consultants, physical assessments, psychological consults and mental assessments because VA medical Centers opinion is more consistent with record. The decision was fully favorable. However, he didn't give a fully favorable in my opinion because the Alj didn't grant the AOD as requested.
On the record at the hearing he said that he didn't have a copy of the prior ALJ decision and that the revision would have to be done at the determination FO. Yet he didn't put a memorandum or notice of any kind in the file and according to 20 CFR The FO was suppose to include file information from the prior C- file if they were subsequent and within the 4yr time frame for a revision/reopening. I Just recently found that I could get a full copy of Exhibit file and my entire SSA file to include the appeals hearing. I listen to the ALJ on the record comments. But nothing was done. The FO says that nothing can be done because I have a good reason for appeal so late. I was represented by an attorney but he probably thought they were working on it just like I did. I currently have an impairment in memory, concentration and processing of information. I have PTSD/depressive disorder. I welcome any advise on how I can go about getting My original Onset date. I stopped working on 20 AUG03 because the Veterans Affairs approved me for 100% permanent and total disability