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tattooing illegally

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I have a complicated situation regarding knowledge that someone is operating an illegal tattoo business out of there rented residence. This person has no license to do this, his sterilization method only kills 40-45% of the germs on his instruments, and he is making up to $600.00 cash a night. I have contacted the IRS and the local Codes Compliance office(That's where the health Dept. told me to call)! The police will not do anything unless they know exactly when a tattoo is taking place. To top it all off, he owesd me $2084.00 and some odd cents in child support that I can not obtain because there is no proof of his income. Please help me ANYONE. I want to see this ******* in jail and I would like to do it before a hepatitis or AIDS outbreak caused by his stupidity!!! Thank You



I am a law school graduate. What I offer is mere information, not to be construed as forming an attorney client relationship.

Wrong places to call. And as usual, not the right people to help. Okay, try these sources:

better business bureau == because they can investigate whether or not he is licensed, and what he is doing. They have the authority to contact the police.

Did you contact the police?

How about trying to get someone to come in with a video camera hidden and takes pics?

How about contacting your local news station to go to his business? usually, if done right, they can have their story lead to his arrest/shutting down of his underground business.

Hope this helps.
Thank you for your reply. I will try the better business bureau. I have tried the police and they aren't willing to help unless I know exavtly when a tattoo is taking place. I have sent an e-mail to several news anchors(local). Any other advice?? It seems as if I have tried every avenue possible and all I do is run into walls. I can't understand why people do not see the severity of this situation; especially the health issues. The video camera is a good idea. Finding someone with the balls to do it is another story and he will not allow me in his townhouse--go figure. Thanx ~ Mish @ Cajun Gourmet


as usual, remember my disclaimer. Try the big shows too, like 20/20. Umm, well, have you also tried the department of commerce and agriculture. it is a stretch, but health issues are rampant there.

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