My only mistake was going to wR again after my TBI I submitted a sworn testimony of a coworker that knew me before my accident and after with my attorney. I don't know if it's something they can use in my claim but I submitted it into the DDS office. It's paints the picture of how I was before my accident also gave them my awards I got even shows I was a good student as a class leader honor graduate of my graduating marine school 2 months prior to my TBI. The video shows how horrible I was after my accident and the deployment were he saw me hazed filling sandbags for punishment for losing things everyday for 8 months. I haven't gotten better in fact the same I had an MRI done last month that shows damage from my TBI 10 years later that needs to be dealt with financial I can't do anything but live work lose **** and panic. I don't think I can submit anything else I gave them my entire medical record from my accident from the 2 rehabs and intensive care hospital while I was in a coma for 26 days. Is there anything I can do or submit so there is no way they can deny my I trial claim? My family all tell me it will be denied just because that's how they are the first time? Until then I'm condemned to my live of overcomlicating everything, fatigue, and my impulsive ways which ultimately will be me making the wrong choice and getting hurt possibly fatally. But I guess that's what SSA really wants.