Queen Bee
So you are angry.He found my replacement who 's younger.
Don't knock your job. You sound as though you believe that is beneath you. Why didn't you get an education in the last 30 years?I need money to treat my self to get my self-esteem back that I never spent on myself though my entire marriage life.I just start a job as a care giver ( a wiping a but job). I really need a skill to get a career.
Then you need to work for your own money quite frankly.He is 60 yrs old. I think ,I'll be okay with a half of his income about$2300 & pension after a divorce. But he wants to keep the house himself for kids.
How old are the kids?
Okay.I gave me a paper to sign. He is offering are:
-** His entire $13,000 Annuity (i can receive $500 a Month).
How much is the equity? When was the house last professionally appraised?- He will buy me out and offer me $25,000 from the house whether it is or isn’t his separate property (if the equity is $100,000, the most equity He can pull from it is about $50,000) which Hewill only pull $25,000 [my half] because the Mortgage will increase.
Okay.- He give me $500 per Month for life
Okay. Are you aware how much medical insurance and such is per MONTH?-·He will pay*myMedical, Dental, Optical, Auto Insurance and Cell phone is about $9,544.00 per year for life.
Okay.- I will receive 40-44% of his retirement (estimate about $80,000)
A legal secretary can't do ANYTHING for you.I am not going to agree. I think I go to a legal secretary first or I should ignore it until the first court hearing?