Well, since they went to court, I think end of February, he has had regular visitation. Except for the issue in July. That was only interference not complete denial of visitation. So he thought that it wasn't contempt. He has had his opportunities to be able to prove his case for physical abuse and neglect, but has never acted on it other than by contacting CPS. She must have been able to work out something with them because child is still in her care.
I really don't know the answer to your question. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am not constantly striving for him to get custody of his daughter. I don't post on here and refer to the child as our child and bash the other parent. I just state the facts and hope to get some legal advice. Don't get me wrong, I love that child like my own. I have always stood beside him and told him I would help him. I give him advice about the situation, tell him legal steps to take, etc... I think it was you Stealth, that told me to remove myself from the situation, as far as talking with Mom even though she requested to confer with me instead of Dad and let me tell you, that is the best advice I have ever been given. I am rid of the headache of directly communicating with her and it's GREAT!!!!!
Dad has wanted to do this for a very long time. He just believes that he has a snowballs chance in hell of anything good coming out of it. When he went in February, he let his ex girlfriend say her piece without interrupting and when it came time for him to talk the judge wouldn't let him, told him that was not what they were there for, told him he didn't even know what he was talking about, and was basically pushed to the side. In that court mother's have the upper hand even if they are lying and the court disobeyed the rules of the state. We did do extensive research and knew of several codes that they were breaking. Without having thousands of dollars to go and fight the court system you aren't going to win.
On a better note, he did say he would give her one last chance. He is attempting to pick up child Friday, if she denies, he said he would file contempt charges on Monday.