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tenant has problem with ajoining neighbor in New Jersey

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Junior Member
I have a tenant in New Jersey, and they rent out my 1/2 duplex that is ajoined with someone else (I dont own that side)

The neighbor does not talk nor care to get along with the neighbor. She had called the cops on my tentant for banging, it turned out that it was at 830 at nite and the baby had fell, she had a bad day (life) and thought she would show her (The husband works midnite so he was asleep at the time). I got the report and spoke to the officer and he stated that a noise complaint can be called at any time of day if they find the noise is too loud. My tenant has had lite words with this neighbor before example a clanging in the morning, which it is the drier.

I do believe my tenant that it is the neighbor, I lived there before her and she is so caddy that she would shovel 1/2 the walkway in the winter (still does) and complained to me that when I watered my backyard the water was making a puddle in the backyard (2 x 2 area) and could cause misquitos to breed, belive that!

I am going to give the the phone number of the town litagator team to her so hopefully she would try that (doubt it)

At what point do I or my tentants go after her for harassment??
any sugestions??


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