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Tenant rights & other legal complications

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Kansas

Hello. I have recently dealt with a situation that I may need legal representation for.

Situation: I was not allowed back into my residence, property has been taken, loss of employment, and emotional stress.

With warning or explanation, I was locked out and told me to not return to the residence. I had been living in this residence for seven months under the verbal agreement that I would help with expenses. I had & paid utilities that were in my name, received mail at the residence, and provided transportation needs if they were requested.

The "landlord" was a friend of the family, obviously that has changed due to this situation. I say "landlord" in loose terms, as I do believe that since I had utilities & paid them while living at this location it would legally make me a tenant. Not 100% sure about that though.

During first of two contacts by phone, I had told this person that if they would simply return my items that I would not file a report and move on from the situation. The immediate reply to this seemed to be a direct threat towards me and my family. I was told that if i contact the authorities or retain a lawyer that, " I will start a ___war and never stop"! Since that time I have felt very worried about what this person could do to me or my family.

Many of my personal possessions are being held or have probably been sold. After numerous attempts (two weeks of time) to contact the "landlord", I was finally given verbal permission to step on the property ( house was locked) and told that I could gather my items. Upon arrival, some of my property was in the driveway, but the majority and valuable items were not. I have receipts of items that were not returned that total over $2,500. I contacted the landlord after noticing many of the missing items and was told to, "deal with it and to never make contact again". I have not made contact since that time in anyway what so ever. I should also note that I had two witnesses with me while removing my property of the premises.

I had originally relocated to the residence for new employment. After I was forced out, my only alternative was to relocate to an area and that made commuting economically impossible. I have since found new employment, but was unable to find it in a field that I am qualified in which has resulted in lost wages.

Hopefully, this didn't sound like a rant. I have just become frustrated. I do hope that since this has caused economic, emotional, and living stability issues, that the law could protect me in some way. Or, maybe I have just learned a hard lesson and should just take the hit and move on.

I appreciate any legal advice that you all might have.


Junior Member
Okay, This has now been a few months since I was locked out. Unfortunately, it does look like this won't be settled without the law. Would I have any legal backing with being wrongfully evicted, emotional stress, or with my job loss? This situation completely changed nearly every aspect in my life. Or would this be included in the police report. I wouldn't assume so, but just wondering. Thank you.

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