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the drug war

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New member
how is it reasonable & justifiable for the militia who is supposed to make sure its a free state to invade the privacy of my home with or without a warrant because i do a drug or sell it to the people i know we are private citizens that are free to choose what goes into their own body as we are said to be a free people & by doing so they break the supreme law as they are prohibited from levying war against the united states 2 presidents have openly militarily declared a drug war 1 was a corrupt & in fact impeached & he put DEA in position to levy war the other said that the enemy of our nation is advancing from around the world & they have in the form of the fed DEA the fed has been standing basically since the civil war Abraham lichions 13th amendment was & is unconstitutional it isn't securing our liberty its enslaving us the blacks fought for something that they truly never got as lichion enslaved us all that is why the 14th amendment states no law shall be created that deprives a citizen of his/her privilege that being their liberty & drug laws are enslaving us they corrupt the process with such acts the the 1st one said that no army will cross borders but we are at war & the enemy is in our face & continuous search & seizures without warrants would be evidence of such as it is the us citizens right to a warrant & it is invasion of our rights & the united states & police have invaded my home without one searched & seized someone & when asked where's the warrant they said hes our warrant & didn't provide one now days i know the law & they wouldn't dare try that again they would have the biggest suite on them they ever had especially if drugs was involved because it's treason they have 5 acts of war stacked against them 1st they are enslaving the us 2nd invading 3rd looting 4th murdering 5th subversion how have we been subverted you might ask Washington stated in one of his speech's that the party sprit would subvert this country & they have we are garranted a republican form of government meaning we don't vote for the senate but we are a democracy & have been subverted by it how is my rights reasonable & justifiably taken away & i'm enslaved into the this corrupt system legally

Just Blue

Senior Member
how is it reasonable & justifiable for the militia who is supposed to make sure its a free state to invade the privacy of my home with or without a warrant because i do a drug or sell it to the people i know we are private citizens that are free to choose what goes into their own body as we are said to be a free people & by doing so they break the supreme law as they are prohibited from levying war against the united states 2 presidents have openly militarily declared a drug war 1 was a corrupt & in fact impeached & he put DEA in position to levy war the other said that the enemy of our nation is advancing from around the world & they have in the form of the fed DEA the fed has been standing basically since the civil war Abraham lichions 13th amendment was & is unconstitutional it isn't securing our liberty its enslaving us the blacks fought for something that they truly never got as lichion enslaved us all that is why the 14th amendment states no law shall be created that deprives a citizen of his/her privilege that being their liberty & drug laws are enslaving us they corrupt the process with such acts the the 1st one said that no army will cross borders but we are at war & the enemy is in our face & continuous search & seizures without warrants would be evidence of such as it is the us citizens right to a warrant & it is invasion of our rights & the united states & police have invaded my home without one searched & seized someone & when asked where's the warrant they said hes our warrant & didn't provide one now days i know the law & they wouldn't dare try that again they would have the biggest suite on them they ever had especially if drugs was involved because it's treason they have 5 acts of war stacked against them 1st they are enslaving the us 2nd invading 3rd looting 4th murdering 5th subversion how have we been subverted you might ask Washington stated in one of his speech's that the party sprit would subvert this country & they have we are garranted a republican form of government meaning we don't vote for the senate but we are a democracy & have been subverted by it how is my rights reasonable & justifiably taken away & i'm enslaved into the this corrupt system legally
If you don't want law enforcement to enter/search and then arrest you, don't deal drugs. It is illegal. Period. End of story.

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New member
Just Blue it's not forbidden by law so there for it's not illegal as we are a free people & the 14th amendment prohibits such a laws creation because its enslavement plus those laws are supremely illegal themselves as we are at war jfk before he got killed clearly said that & the enemy is sleeping with us basically & there wouldn't be no borders crossed by marching troops but this non united states government is levying a war against the united states as they commit 5 acts of war
enslavment invision looting murder & subversion we should be a republican form of government & why is it that united states citizens belonging to this democracy tried to publish fake pictures of lee harvey oswald that have been altered or changed & say they was original unless people within the states who subverted us killed jfk & are misleading the country acting like it's law when we clearly cant make such a law due to the 14th amendment & as it is enslavement & as free citizens we have the right to private transactions as we are not a business but private citizens

stealth2 google spelled his name thought it was correct because it was google

a@djusterjack XXX

not2cleverRed LOL


Senior Member
how is it reasonable & justifiable for the militia who is supposed to make sure its a free state to invade the privacy of my home with or without a warrant because i do a drug or sell it to the people i know
If you want to know if the police did anything wrong you have to tell us what happened.

Tell it in plain English without ranting about the evil militia.

Just Blue

Senior Member
no its says
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who's whining

post 6
Just Blue it's not forbidden by law so there for it's not illegal as we are a free people & the 14th amendment prohibits such a laws creation because its enslavement plus those laws are supremely illegal themselves as we are at war jfk before he got killed clearly said that & the enemy is sleeping with us basically & there wouldn't be no borders crossed by marching troops but this non united states government is levying a war against the united states as they commit 5 acts of war
enslavment invision looting murder & subversion we should be a republican form of government & why is it that united states citizens belonging to this democracy tried to publish fake pictures of lee harvey oswald that have been altered or changed & say they was original unless people within the states who subverted us killed jfk & are misleading the country acting like it's law when we clearly cant make such a law due to the 14th amendment & as it is enslavement & as free citizens we have the right to private transactions as we are not a business but private citizens

stealth2 google spelled his name thought it was correct because it was google

a@djusterjack sh!t 2

not2cleverRed LOL
Yeah... That Sov Cit garbage argument will not fly in a court of law.

You do NOT have the "right" to violate the laws of this country or the state you were arrested in. Period. End of story.
If you want to debate whether drug dealing should be legal between crackheaded idiots take it to a debate site. There are a bunch on the net. This is not one of them.
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