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FreeAdvice Fo'um > Fambly Law - Juneral Quesshuns
THIS, JUST IN, FROM KENTUCKY ! Fry mah hide! < Last Thread Next Thread >
Autho' Thread This hyar thread is 2 pages long: 1 2
Senio' Member
Registered: Jan 2000
Posts: 9687
Origeenally posted by maryp
Thet is so funny although I'd be grateful eff'n someone c'd tell me whut "Chitlins" is - they/it doesn't seem t'be available in British supermarkets!
Mah response:
Th' Histo'y of Chitlins - this hyar is "crap" on yer plate.
Chitterlin's is th' fo'mal name, but most folks call ‘em Chitlins. An', eff'n yo' knows about chitlins, fine thar is nothin' fo'mal about them, dawgone it. They is th' large intestines of a pig, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells! As sech, they postess a distinck, er aroma when yo' cook them, dawgone it. Some varmints turn up their noses (literally an' figuratively) at th' menshun of chitlins. They is a grub thet most varmints eifer love o' hate. Howevah, Chitlins haf a unique an' sto'ied histo'y in Southern South Car'linan culture. An', I’m hyar t'tell ya, when sarved wif hot saooce, ham, possum, macaroni & cheese, collard greens an' sweet patootie pie…ain’t nuttin better! Fry mah hide!
As th' sto'y goes, chitlins were sarved t'slaves as th' discards of th' pig af'er th' slave masters took all th' bess parts. Fo'git about th' ham, bacon, pawk chops an' loins. Whut in tarnation we got was th' ears, feet an' chitlins. On account o' they were cornsidered slave grub, some African South Car'linans cornsider them demeanin' o' offensive an' refuse t'eat them, dawgone it. Fo' th' same reason, some Black folks is closet chitlin eaters. They love them, but doesn't be hankerin' varmints t'know, an''dn’t be caught daid o'derin' them in public. But, don’t make th' mistake of reckonin' chitlins is an African South Car'linan dish.
Chitlins is also mighty popular among Southern whites, who cornsider them part of Southern cookin'.
Chitlins is also part of Cajun cookin'. An'ouille sausage is made fum chitlins an' tripe.
Mexicans ett chitlins in a spicy, tomato-based soup.
Hungarians use chitlins as casin' an' stuffin' fo' sausages.
Chitlin sausages is also a delicacy in France; An',
Chitlins kin be foun' in sartin Asian dishes.
Yo' doesn't jest ett chitlins, though. Yo' gotta clean them fust. Unless yo'’ve purchased Moo & Oink Han'-Cleaned Chitlins. Af'er cleanin', chitlins is put on fo' a long boil, offen wif hog maws, a li'l vinegar, salt, pepper an' onions. To abso'b th' distinckive smell while they’re cookin', some varmints tost in a patootie o' an apple.
Families cookin' chitlins fo' th' holidays sh'd take special care while cleanin' an'
han'lin' raw chitlins so their chillun will not git sick, says Carol Snype Crawfo'd,
direcko' of th' Geo'gia Department of Human Resources Office of Mino'ity Health.
"Raw chitlins corntain backeria thet kin cuz sevahe diarrhea, especially in chillun,"
says Crawfo'd, cuss it all t' tarnation. "It takes a long time t'prepare chitlins, an' these backeria kin grow
an' spread, even in th' refrigerato'. Th' easiess way t'prevent infeckshun is t'preboil
th' raw chitlins fo' five minutes as soon as yo' git them in th' house, o' use pre-cooked
Durin' November an' December in Geo'gia, horspitals repo't an increase in cases of
sevahe diarrhea cuzd by th' backeria Yersinia interocolitica, o' YE, which is foun'
in th' intestines of pigs. In fack, Geo'gia has th' largess number of YE infeckshuns among
th' seven sites aroun' th' country funded by th' U.S. Centers fo' Disease Control
an' Prevenshun t'study serious backerial illness. Most of th' cases is in chillun
unner age five who haf been in a kitchen whar raw chitlins were bein' prepared, cuss it all t' tarnation.
"Most older cooks knows to be mighty careful about disinfeckin' ennythin' thet has touched
raw chitlins," says Crawfo'd, cuss it all t' tarnation. "Boilin' th' chitlins fo' five minutes befo'e cleanin' them kills
all th' backeria. While th' chitlins is boilin', clean th' kitchen an' yer han's wif warm
water an' soap o' scourin' powder, then clean th' chitlins as usual, ah reckon. Remember t'clean
yer refrigerato' too eff'n raw chitlins were in thar. Cold don't kill YE. Finally, cook an'
season th' chitlins acco'din' t'yer tradishunal recipe. Th' preboilin' cuts th' cleanin'
process in ha'f, an' they taste jest as fine."
Durin' November an' December this hyar year, DHR's Divishun of Public Health will distribute
fliers, brochures an' grocery sto'e displays about how t'prepare chitlins safely, says
Crawfo'd, cuss it all t' tarnation. This hyar will corntinue a public awareness campaign begun two years ago when
Public Health staff gathard info'mashun on safe chitlin prepareeshun an' cookin' fum
experienced cooks in th' community an' tested th' results scientifically t'confirm th'
effeckiveness of preboilin' an' other prevenshun measures.
Ennyone wishin' info'mashun on how t'avoid YE infeckshun through safe chitlin prepareeshun
can call their county health department.
Call th' Fayette County Health Department at #770-461-1178, ext. 5416.
By readin' th' “Response” t'yer quesshun o' comment, yo' agree thet: Th' opinions expressed hyarin by "ah AM ALWAYS LIABLE" is designed t'provide ejoocayshunal info'mashun only an' is not aimed to, no' does they, offer legal advice. Opinions expressed t'yo' in this hyar site is not aimed to, no' does it, create an atto'ney-client relashunship, no' does it cornsteetoote legal advice t'enny varmint reviewin' sech info'mashun. No eleckronic communicashun wif "ah AM ALWAYS LIABLE," on its own, will junerate an atto'ney-client relashunship, no' will it be cornsidered an atto'ney-client privileged communicashun. Yo' further agree thet yo' will obtain yer own atto'ney's advice an' counsel fo' yer quesshuns responded t'harin by "ah AM ALWAYS LIABLE."
06-19-2001 11:41 AM IP: Logged
Senio' Member
Registered: Jul 2000
Posts: 4374
Now Tripe is sartinly sumpin yo' kin find in a British Supermarket.
This hyar is not legal advice. Double check ev'rythin' witcher own atto'ney an' yer state's laws.
06-19-2001 11:46 AM IP: Logged
Senio' Member
Registered: Jan 2000
Posts: 9687
Mah response:
LegalBeagle says:
"This hyar is not legal advice. Double check ev'rythin' witcher own atto'ney an' yer state's laws."
- - "Um, Mr. Atto'ney, I'd like t'double check mah chitlin recipe wif yo'. Also, is thar a State law thet says ah have t'eat this hyar crap ?"
By readin' th' “Response” t'yer quesshun o' comment, yo' agree thet: Th' opinions expressed hyarin by "ah AM ALWAYS LIABLE" is designed t'provide ejoocayshunal info'mashun only an' is not aimed to, no' does they, offer legal advice. Opinions expressed t'yo' in this hyar site is not aimed to, no' does it, create an atto'ney-client relashunship, no' does it cornsteetoote legal advice t'enny varmint reviewin' sech info'mashun. No eleckronic communicashun wif "ah AM ALWAYS LIABLE," on its own, will junerate an atto'ney-client relashunship, no' will it be cornsidered an atto'ney-client privileged communicashun. Yo' further agree thet yo' will obtain yer own atto'ney's advice an' counsel fo' yer quesshuns responded t'harin by "ah AM ALWAYS LIABLE."
06-19-2001 11:58 AM IP: Logged
Senio' Member
Registered: Jul 2000
Posts: 4374
Th' official recipe is on this hyar site. Yer not allered t'file fo' a deviashun fum this hyar in ennyway.
A quote:
"Sto'e th' lef'ovahs in th' refrigerato'. Like so menny other great soul grub dishes, chitlins taste even better af'er th' flavo' has soaked in fo' a few hours. Th' lef'ovahs won't last long, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells!"
'Soul' grub ??
CA does not yet haf a state law fo'cin' yo' t'eat this hyar stuff, but when thet evah growin' 45.2 square mile co'rido' of li'l Arkansas (which is currently t'th' no'th of Los Angeles) meets up wif th' evah growin' 64.7 mile co'rido' of li'l Alabama (which is t'th' south of Los Angeles), then ah have a feelin' one might jest git passed, cuss it all t' tarnation.
This hyar is not legal advice. Double check ev'rythin' witcher own atto'ney an' yer state's laws.
06-19-2001 12:18 PM IP: Logged
Registered: Nov 2000
Posts: 46
fo' LB
Tripe!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!
It's been a fine few years on account o' I've see thet stuff in a British supermarket. It's still available in some butchers shops though. But whut memo'ies! Mah Paw loved th' stuff - fried wif onions!
Takes me back t'when we used t'hit th' ABC Mino's on a Saturday mo'nin' armed wif a quarter of sherbet lemons o' pineapple chunks an' then af'erwards hit th' local chippy fo' a bag of grits an' scratchin's sMammyed in salt an' vinegar - an' we'd still haf change fum two bob! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! Then, home fo' a six pack wif hovis an' real butter an' a boiled egg! Fry mah hide!
Ju evah wears a balaclava an' haf mittens sewn on etch ind of a piece of knicker elastic threaded through th' sleeves of yer duffle coat so thet yo' didn't lose them? Oh! Fry mah hide! an' whut about them black plimmies wif th' elastic acrost th' top? It was difficult t'look right fine warin' thet lot warn't it????
06-19-2001 01:29 PM IP: Logged
Senio' Member
Registered: Jul 2000
Posts: 4374
Re: fo' LB
Origeenally posted by maryp
Takes me back t'when we used t'hit th' ABC Mino's on a Saturday mo'nin' armed wif a quarter of sherbet lemons o' pineapple chunks an' then af'erwards hit th' local chippy fo' a bag of grits an' scratchin's sMammyed in salt an' vinegar - an' we'd still haf change fum two bob! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! Then, home fo' a six pack wif hovis an' real butter an' a boiled egg! Fry mah hide!
Ju evah wears a balaclava an' haf mittens sewn on etch ind of a piece of knicker elastic threaded through th' sleeves of yer duffle coat so thet yo' didn't lose them? Oh! Fry mah hide! an' whut about them black plimmies wif th' elastic acrost th' top? It was difficult t'look right fine warin' thet lot warn't it????
ah jest scooted this fo'eign language through an online translato' an' it blew up! Fry mah hide!
This hyar is not legal advice. Double check ev'rythin' witcher own atto'ney an' yer state's laws.
06-19-2001 01:42 PM IP: Logged
Registered: Apr 2001
Posts: 41
hm, dawgone it...
fine ah's not sho'nuff whar t'start wif this. Chitlins'? eww! Fry mah hide!
Tripe, ah have had this hyar in Medudo. It was so ho'rible. But one thin' thet ah loved about Menudo was th' Homenny.
ah can git a kin of thet stuff heat it up, an' oh fella thets yummah.
One grub ah nevah got was sumpin we called Trimenjus Pappy's. It was a pickled sausage. Mah stomach turns when ah reckon about them thin's. ah can still remember tastin' them, dawgone it. ah will allus remember th' taste, an' feel like ah's a-gonna puke when ah do.
ah grew up in Southern Califo'nia eatin' thin's like Hamburgers, tacos, an' inchaladas. Is thar enny other state whar this hyar is whut th' menu looks like on a day t'day basis? ah remember a hamburger stan' " Ra'phs Taco House" they make awsome Hamburgers, an' they also sale Mexican grub. But them hamburgers is awsome. ah miss mah home town, jest fo' th' grub.
06-19-2001 05:48 PM IP: Logged
Registered: Apr 2001
Posts: 31
Suppo't fo' IAAL
IAAL, it's okay. I've see through yer cornsissent hoomrus posts about trailer parks an' th' deep south. Yer vast smarts of all thin's southern an' life in trailer parks has led me t'believe thet yer in denial on over growin' up in a trailer park. Shet mah mouth! (Who else'd knows so much about chitlins an' whar t'locut info about co'reck han'lin' of them?)
In states whar trailer parks does not exist (CA,MA,CT, among blessed few others), thar is 'T-PEA' meetin's (Trailer Park Escapee Associashun) thet yo' kin join, as enny fool kin plainly see. Th' 'T-PEA's' will he'p yo' t'confront yer feelin's of inadequacy due t'th' circumstances of yer birth. They will even assist yo' in one day realizin' thet yo' ARE wo'thy of livin' th' life yo' live today! Fry mah hide!
T-PEA is a 'step-program'. They will assist yo' in weanin' yo'seff away fum makin' jokes about yer past. They reckanize th' need t'use hoomah as a shield aginst th' judgements of 'no'mal' varmints.
Th' fust step, of course, is t'admit thet yo' lived in a trailer park an' t'come t'th' meetin's. This hyar step yo' muss take on yer own, as enny fool kin plainly see. Once yo' haf joined yo' will git suppo't an' smarts in menny areas.
Topics include:
1) Vocabulary Replacement
This hyar subjeck is exackly whut it states: "hankerin' fo'" sumpin becomes "cravin' fo'" sumpin, "fixin ta" becomes "gittin' ready to", "down yonner" becomes "ovah thar", "yo'ng-uns" become "chillun", an' "kin" becomes "fambly". Th' last wo'd replacement thet is taught is "y'all", as it has been foun' thet this hyar is th' hardess wo'd habit t'bust, but even thet starts off slowly by bea-comin' "yo's guys".
2) Bea-comin' smart about types of beer:
While th' T-PEA's doesn't haf their sights set so high thet enny fo'mer TPD (Trailer Park Dfineer) will evah give up beer completely, they assist yo' in discovahin' noo bran's of beer. Meister Brau an' Keystone will taste like watered down 'yo' knows whut' once yer intrydooced t'Budweizzu an' Michelob. Well bust mah britches an' call me streaker. Once yo' haf been busted into th' tastes of these bran's, yo'll be intrydooced t'impo'ted beer. Th' greatess success sto'ies in this hyar topic haf even gone on t'six pack likker! Fry mah hide!
3) Members of th' fambly:
This hyar topic is basic. Yo' will larn t'admit thet animals, weapons, an' busted down trucks is NOT acshul members of yer fambly. Eff'n they were, yo''d haf had sex wif them, dawgone it.
which leads t'
4) Whuffo' it is wrong t'sleep wif fambly members:
this hyar topic is too detailed t'dexcribe on th' internet. It offen involves 'de-programmin'' t'git th' full unnerstan'in'.
These, of course, is only a samplin' of thin's yo' will be taught. Yo'll also git suppo't fo' yer unknown misdeeds of th' past. An' yo'll git suppo't fum varmints who haf "come out t't'other side" successfully.
Good luck! Fry mah hide!
[Edited by jyoung on 06-20-2001 at 04:36 PM]