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I had it out with my lawyer today. Guess you can say I lost my military barring.
I told him that he needed to stop talking and start listening to my questions.
Eithway we had a long talk, and when all was done he admited to not knowing anything about a RTD program, nor knew where to look for it out.
Also we are getting the $ amounts changed from above $500, to what they can prove. CID
investigation put me un the $500 and under, and that changed my max to only 2 yrs
for the charges.
I then asked him if what I was giving him was still a good deal for what I was getting in return.
A 10 month CAP on a max of 20 yrs is one thing, but a 10 month cap on what is only a max of 2yrs, is a little different. They also agreed that they are really wanted SUB1, only problem is that SUB2 filed a a coutus maxamus.. or some crap like that. Something about they extended him 30days after his ETS had already passed, with no paperwork to told him in or something.
Either way his case is 99% chance of being thrown out.. I it is thrown out then the only
case they have against SUB1 would be me.. They know he did it all, so they should want
my deal.. I told him to request immunity for my testimony against Sub1, but i think my
lawyer is affraid to go aginst the high ups.
Eithway it all came out today, my lawyer just does not know enough to fight through this.
I will call the lawyers you have listed above, although I think one of them is currenty
repping Sub1..
Hope someone will work with me..
My question here is is there anyone that can post detailed info on this Return To Duty Program for me please? Anything and everything you can find, so that I can use it tomorrow in a meeting with my lawyer.
Thanks again everyone so far on the help you have all provided.
I had it out with my lawyer today. Guess you can say I lost my military barring.
I told him that he needed to stop talking and start listening to my questions.
Eithway we had a long talk, and when all was done he admited to not knowing anything about a RTD program, nor knew where to look for it out.
Also we are getting the $ amounts changed from above $500, to what they can prove. CID
investigation put me un the $500 and under, and that changed my max to only 2 yrs
for the charges.
I then asked him if what I was giving him was still a good deal for what I was getting in return.
A 10 month CAP on a max of 20 yrs is one thing, but a 10 month cap on what is only a max of 2yrs, is a little different. They also agreed that they are really wanted SUB1, only problem is that SUB2 filed a a coutus maxamus.. or some crap like that. Something about they extended him 30days after his ETS had already passed, with no paperwork to told him in or something.
Either way his case is 99% chance of being thrown out.. I it is thrown out then the only
case they have against SUB1 would be me.. They know he did it all, so they should want
my deal.. I told him to request immunity for my testimony against Sub1, but i think my
lawyer is affraid to go aginst the high ups.
Eithway it all came out today, my lawyer just does not know enough to fight through this.
I will call the lawyers you have listed above, although I think one of them is currenty
repping Sub1..
Hope someone will work with me..
My question here is is there anyone that can post detailed info on this Return To Duty Program for me please? Anything and everything you can find, so that I can use it tomorrow in a meeting with my lawyer.
Thanks again everyone so far on the help you have all provided.