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Unemployment Overpayment Tango!

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Junior Member
Oh MY...I guess I should have stooped to your level and just went ahead and insulted your intelligence level as you did mine. But I believe your posts are far more telling of such than I could ever be.

Secondly, I never EXPECTED anything and I certainly did not make you volunteer anything, if you can't handle it maybe you should donate your time to something more appropriate to your personality...a soup kitchen maybe?

Third, it should be expected that any self claimed "EXPERT" such as yourself act with a degree of professionalism. Afterall, if you can't at least offer that in your posts how are we to consider you an expert of anything other than sour sarcasim and bitter biased ignorance?

It is simple...you want us to consider you an expert..ACT like one! And the good part of all this is, as the consumer of sorts I DO have the right to choose who I will consder to be legit and since you can't appear with any sense of common civility I choose to NOT consider you in any sense an authority/expert of anything.

Take an example from the Commentator, you don't see them protesting and acting out in an unprofessional way....they answered me and made it clear of what they knew without feeling the need to demoralize me or publicly lash out at me...hmmmm guess you could use a lesson frm a REAL expert...familiar with the word ediqute? most EXPERTS have...try using some in the future if you want to be respected for anything or get used to poeple treating you the way you treated them and stop your complaining.

I simply was not sure that the facts of my question were fully understood and wanted to make clarification and find out if it made any difference...that is ALL I was doing. Otherwise, why bother asking at all if my request is not clear, I cannot expect a clear opnion now can I? and in the translation some of the facts were given back incorrectly which MAY HAVE made a difference!

So, SENIOR maybe you should consider RETIREMENT...Good luck.
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I'm a Northern Girl
At no time did I "insult your intelligence". I pointed out that you have pretty high expectations about what you should receive from volunteers, for free.

But you're right about one thing. Since I am a volunteer, I get to choose who I will respond to and who I won't. And I am also free to tell you that you should take your business elsewhere next time you want an expert to volunteer their expertise for your benefit. You'll find that given the way you talk to the members on this site, very few will be willing to bother with you.



Junior Member
CBG...Here are your words..."If you can't understand, then print the thread out and carry it around with you. When you have free time, take it out of your pocket and read it again. Eventually, it might sink in..." that is a direct insult to my intelligence and you know that is how you meant it!

If you don't like the way you are responded back to then perhaps you should be more careful as I already stated, of how you chose to respond in the first place. I was more than polite, appreciative and gave many words of thanks directed where they were deserved. You didn't deserve any because you have a flippant attitude. Notice you are the ONLY one here that continues to whine and complain and ignore the fact I have been very appreciative for the help I received. I don't have to agree, but I certainly consider the information...did the bylaws to joining this forum state we had to believe and comply without question? did I miss that? I am pretty sure it didn't say we had to accept harrassment either, now lick your wounds and go heal yourself...get some help...you need therapy! Don't type a reply, doing so will only show your lack of control and continue to damage any credibility you may have had amoungst your peers here. Walk away form the keyboard, breathe deep and find a happy place....

To all those that were helpful again I say THANK YOU.

Inceidentally, I won my case today...the former employer, of which I was denied benefits, was never charged a dime for any portion of my recent claim they said I was paid out on in error based on those earnings and therefore I was NOT overpaid based on that circumstance.


Senior Member
Bravo! I am very impressed. I honestly did not think you had the slightest chance of getting this overpayment waived! But I really am glad you did. Every state has a slight "lean" or flavor of preference toward the system or toward the claimant. Your state system has come out in your favor. That's not really common in overpayment cases.


Junior Member
Thank you for your help, it is appreciated greatly. Happy it went in my favor too...something to be said about being diligent!:)

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