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Unsafe at work

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Junior Member
I live in Jacksonville, Florida.
My work hours are 11am-7:30 pm. At 5:00pm Mon-Fri the front desk person leaves for home and the front door is left unlocked. There is no security in the office with no one to monitor the front door and who comes into the building. Often I am left alone in the building until my shift is up. The parking lot is very poorly lit. My vehicle is the only one in the parking lot.
In June I was involved in a domestic violence case where my attacker was found guilty and sentenced to 15 days in jail and 11 months of probation. I have an injunction against him that orders “No Contact”. He has made several threats of retaliation against me. I have documented proof of his history of domestic violence involving choking and use of a hand gun. He has since violated the no contact order by sending me email. On more than one occasion I have seen him sitting in his vehicle across the street when I get out of work. He knows what hours I work and that I am sometimes left alone.
I have tried on several occasions to seek help from my employer but was advised to seek other employment or move out of state. Can I quit and collect unemployment for safety reasons?
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Senior Member
Q: Can I quit and collect unemployment for safety reasons?

A: We, of course, cannot predict what will happen. However, you have only given us your fears (and nothing bad happening). While I do not think your fears are groundless, I don't know if a UI hearing examiner would feel the same way.


Senior Member
I also do not know the answer to your question about UI benefits. While I understand that they could take some precautionary measures, it doesn't sound as if your employer could keep you safe if this man is really determined to attack you again.

Have you notified his PO of the violations of the order?


Junior Member
Re: unsafe at work

I have not told his PO about his violations. Where he is sitting across the street, I do not know how far the distance is. His orders says no closer than 500 feet. As far as the email, I have it saved but did not report him for it for 2 reasons. First, I do not know who his PO is and second, he lives in his van now and can't be found. When I saw him waiting across the street he drove off as soon as I got in my vehicle.
I was hired to work 8-5:50pm but they changed my hours to 11:00-7:30pm. I asked to have my old hours reinstated but they refused. I also asked for another position in the office that would require normal working hours. That, too, was refused. I asked about a part time position, but was also refused.


Junior Member
re: unsafe at work

I have asked about locking the door, they want it left unlocked until 6:30 pm. I sit in a corner of the back office with no way out. If he does get in, I am trapped.


Junior Member
re: unsafe at work

My administrator also denied me the opportunity to speak with the State Attorney's Office and the Vine Program saying I had to limit these calls to my lunch hour. Anyone who has tried to talk to these people know that you need to leave them a call back number and wait for them to call you.


Senior Member
You may want to seriously think about getting a different job. You have a chance to do interviews before your work day starts.

If your employer won't work with you on safety reasons, why stay?


Junior Member
re: unsafe at work

I am looking for a new job, my administrator advised me to do so. However, that does not protect the here and now. At 7:30pm it is getting dark and the parking lot has little lighting. Soon I will not be able to see if he is lurking about. This is why I am asking if I can quit and collect unemployment.
i lived in ny, and I had to leave my job (and the state) to leave an abusive relationship. I did qualify and am recieving. UI benifits. if your safety is at stake and your employer wont work with you (change your hours, lock the door) dont wait to find out if he will do something, here is a history and you are right to be scared. i think unemployment will see it that way, i think


Senior Member
Call and talk to the people at Unemployment before you do anything.

I also often work alone, and I have no one stalking me. I keep the door locked and have a "please knock" sign that goes on the door when I am alone.

However, I also am not dealing with a poorly lit parking lot.

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