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Unusual Problem

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What is the name of your state? Ohio

I hope I'm on the right board. I'm not exactly sure where this situation falls in legal catagories. This is a long story please bear with me I'll try to keep it as short as possible.

Several years ago my uncle became entangled with a woman. Upon meeting her I didn't like her but, said nothing. In the last couple of years she's managed to chase off his three children from his previous marriage. She is feuding with my aunt (uncle's sister) because she called my aunts daughter a bunch of vile names. My parents and I stayed out of it since it wasn't any of our business though the name calling did offend us as well. For the record, I'm 31 years old. Recently, my aunt and I teamed up to plan a surprise party for my grandmother's birthday. In the weeks prior to the party, my uncles girlfriend emailed my aunt about 20 times trying desperately to start the feuding again. I saw the emails and she tried everything even calling my uncle's children vile names and resorting back to calling my aunts daughter even worse. She even sent seriously hurtful letters to my uncles oldest daughter knowing my aunt would see them. Well, the party came off without a hitch. But with one minor snag. The woman's 19 year old son was present and during the party went off to smoke pot. I smelled it on him and during a phone conversation with my aunt I angrily informed her of his disrespect. She urged me to call my uncle, which I did but, not before my aunt could send a nasty email to his girlfriend telling her what she thought of her and her son. Thus, the war began. This woman upon finding out I was the accuser attacked me in an email calling me all kinds of vulgar names which prompted a single response from my mother, whom she responded to by threatening her and demanding an apology from me. I responded to this basically telling her "Fat Chance" I don't feel I did anything wrong. She continued to email my aunt and call her home though, she'd been told to stop. When she couldn't get through to my aunt she started calling my grandmother 5 and 6 times a day and upsetting her over this mess. My aunt growing more and more concerned of her mother's well being went to see my uncle. He refused to talk to her so she went up to his girlfriend's job. Ironically, she was coming out of the building as my aunt was going in. My aunt said what she came to say and the woman attacked her physically. Finally, grandma ripped my uncle about the whole of the situation and all was quiet for almost a week. Then came my sister's bridal shower. Another sister and I planned it and when making up the guest list decided it wasn't a good idea to invite her since she'd threatened our mother. The shower was Sunday, she found out about it through my uncle and quizzed my grandmother about it on Monday. Tuesday my mom gets a nasty email from her demanding to know why she wasn't invited. My mom didn't respond. Wednesday another email, this one claiming she's done nothing to any of us and demanding to know who made out the invitations. During all of this, my mom forwards emails to me for filing (as a favor to my aunt we print and file copies of these emails because she doesn't have a printer) from my uncle's girlfriend to my aunt all three contained a veiled threat "You better watch your back." "You've got some surprises coming to you" " You'll be taken care of soon". She's called my aunt at least 12 times in the last two days (all happens when my uncle is not at home). My aunt has hung up on her, blocked her and taken other actions to let her know she's not going to talk to her. She made a comment in one of those emails that she was "Making sure the baby and I are set for life". Then I get an email from my aunt who had just spoken to my uncle's ex wife (he and his ex are still friends) saying that this woman called my uncle's ex and tried to push her into gathering her three children for a meeting with my uncle about making up a will. My uncle's ex wife was very bothered by this and informed her that children aren't supposed to be involved in that process. The woman began to insist and when that didn't work tried to goad her into an arguement. We are all seriously concerned now and curious if there is any legal action at all that can be taken against this woman. Of course, I know we can't do anything on my uncle's behalf but, can we do something about what she's done to us.


Senior Member
JESUS H. CHRIST people. Are you all seriously deranged?

First of all, NO ONE return any type of e-mail, verbal or printed response to this woman from this point forward.

If she writes, file it and forget it.
If she calls, hang up or record the conversation.
If she confronts someone in public, leave.

And Take the e-mails in which she threatened your mother, along with your mother, to the local police department and file a report. Then go to court and petition for an order of protection.

Your entire family is a bit looney to be keeing this going. This woman is nuts and you are too for encouraging her by responding. :rolleyes:


BelizeBreeze said:
JESUS H. CHRIST people. Are you all seriously deranged?

First of all, NO ONE return any type of e-mail, verbal or printed response to this woman from this point forward.

If she writes, file it and forget it.
If she calls, hang up or record the conversation.
If she confronts someone in public, leave.

And Take the e-mails in which she threatened your mother, along with your mother, to the local police department and file a report. Then go to court and petition for an order of protection.

Your entire family is a bit looney to be keeing this going. This woman is nuts and you are too for encouraging her by responding. :rolleyes:
I guess I did myself a disservice by trying to keep it short. My mother responded to her email attack on me but, simply said "Leave Me and My children out of whatever it is that is going on" That is the only email my mother sent to her. She has not responded to the emails she's received in the last two days. I responded to her threat against my mother but simply said "I'm the one who told my uncle about the pot smoking. I won't apologize for doing what was right. Leave my mother alone." I have not emailed her since and do not intend to though she's still trashing me in emails to my aunt. My aunt has not responded to any of her emails since the one she sent just after Grandma's party telling this woman what she thought of her. Though she did confront her out side of her job to simply tell her "Leave my mother (my grandmother) alone she doesn't need to be constantly upset by you or what you're doing" Though the woman did attack my aunt physically, my aunt did not engage her in battle. She and her husband walked away. The woman does not call my house or my parents she only calls my aunt and my grandma. My aunt either does not answer her phone or she answers it and hangs it up. Grandma won't do this but, has been screening her calls via old fashioned answering machine. Grandma doesn't want to make the woman mad because she won't get to see her granddaughter if she does. I've also
advised my aunt to keep a log of phone calls while I print and file every email sent. Thank you for your advice and I apologize for not being clearer in my post. Ooops I forgot to ask a very important question. Since we all live in different counties, where should we file our complaints?
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Q: Since we all live in different counties, where should we file our complaints?

A: Try it anywhere you want...the prosecutor will (I suspect) tell you the same thing BB did.


seniorjudge said:
Q: Since we all live in different counties, where should we file our complaints?

A: Try it anywhere you want...the prosecutor will (I suspect) tell you the same thing BB did.
Thank you for your response. We already have done part of what BB suggested by not responding and walking away. When you say try it anywhere does that mean we can't do anything about this?


KKHeuser said:
Thank you for your response. We already have done part of what BB suggested by not responding and walking away. When you say try it anywhere does that mean we can't do anything about this?
Q: When you say try it anywhere does that mean we can't do anything about this?

A: No, it means try it anywhere.


seniorjudge said:
Q: When you say try it anywhere does that mean we can't do anything about this?

A: No, it means try it anywhere.
Ok thank you. My mother and I are discussing the issue and are planning to file a police report this evening. I'm going to encourage my aunt to do the same in her county.


Senior Member
Take your email and other evidence to your local police departments and file the police reports and go to your county court and petition for a restraining order. It is pretty simple, in the mean time stay away from her and don't respond to any of her emails.


rmet4nzkx said:
Take your email and other evidence to your local police departments and file the police reports and go to your county court and petition for a restraining order. It is pretty simple, in the mean time stay away from her and don't respond to any of her emails.

Thanks for your response action is already in motion.


The woman in question suffers from a disorder called Borderline Personality Disorder..She's a whack job!


There are federal laws against harrassing{threatning} people over the internet or stalking them.............Internet Crime Complaint Center
The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) was established as a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) to serve as a means to receive Internet related criminal complaints, research, develop and refer the criminal complaints to law enforcement agencies for any investigation they deem to be appropriate. The IFCC was intended, and continues to emphasize serving the broader law enforcement community, to include federal, as well as state and local agencies, which are combating Internet crime and in many cases participating in Cyber Crime Task Forces.IC3 Mission Statement
The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).

IC3's mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime. The IC3 gives the victims of cyber crime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations. For law enforcement and regulatory agencies at the federal, state, and local level, IC3 provides a central referral mechanism for complaints involving Internet related crimes.

Significant and supplemental to partnering with law enforcement and regulatory agencies, it will remain a priority objective of the IC3 to establish effective alliances with industry. Such alliances will enable the IC3 to leverage both intelligence and subject matter expert resources, pivotal in identifying and in crafting an aggressive, proactive approach to combating cyber crime
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I know Ohio has laws against this kind of crap but I cant find them at the moment. Dont put up with this BS fight back!!


Senior Member
absconder said:
I know Ohio has laws against this kind of crap but I cant find them at the moment. Dont put up with this BS fight back!!
This does NOT fall with the pervue of any OHIO or federal law that you quoted. Now, since you've totally missed the point, would you like to ATTEMPT to answer why?


During all of this, my mom forwards emails to me for filing (as a favor to my aunt we print and file copies of these emails because she doesn't have a printer) from my uncle's girlfriend to my aunt all three contained a veiled threat "You better watch your back." "You've got some surprises coming to you" "Youll be taken care of soon".............................. these sound like threats to me.....................The IC3 gives the victims of cyber crime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations. For law enforcement and regulatory agencies at the federal, state, and local level, IC3 provides a central referral mechanism for complaints involving Internet related crimes.


Anna Kournikova was in court the other day testifying against an inernet stalker, Criminal court.

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