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Senior Member
Again I know MY place in all this which is NO where.. This is their fight.. I am not going to argue as this "ME" overstepping as some might see it is IRRELEVANT to this case as I have done NONE of the above and that has been very well proven in the judges, teachers, therapists eyes..
if what you are doing is working, and not making either parent uncomfortable then you should keep doing it:)

check your pm's
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Senior Member
Congratulations! I'm glad this was resolved and sincerely believe it is in the girls' best interests based on your previous posts.

You must be satisfied, excited and a bit wary all at the same time! Wishing you the best of luck on your transition date. Hopefully Mom will not make it more difficult than it need be. BTW - what a lousy time of day to do this - when everyone is hungry and cranky! :rolleyes: What was the court thinking?!

Well, I'm sure a special dinner is planned anyway! Good luck to all of you...


Senior Member
Again I know MY place in all this which is NO where.. This is their fight.. I am not going to argue as this "ME" overstepping as some might see it is IRRELEVANT to this case as I have done NONE of the above and that has been very well proven in the judges, teachers, therapists eyes..
I wasn't saying anything against you.

I only wish other step's would be considerate. Lord knows I deal with the Queen of ignorant steps HA HA

Btw, I emailed that article to my ex!! I know she reads his email from me before he does so hopefully she will take it to heart. I cut and pasted it so she doesn't have to even click on a link!
I wasn't saying anything against you.

I only wish other step's would be considerate. Lord knows I deal with the Queen of ignorant steps HA HA

Btw, I emailed that article to my ex!! I know she reads his email from me before he does so hopefully she will take it to heart. I cut and pasted it so she doesn't have to even click on a link!
I also had to deal with an step mother overstepping her boundaries when my 3 children's father remarried. A week after their marriage I went to pick up my children to whom have always referred to her the new step mom as Ms. Debbie.. until they were married. Getting ready to leave their residence my two oldest children said bye Mommy as I was backing out of their driveway. I stopped and put my van in park and stepped out , closed door. Then looked at Dad and new step mom and said as long as you live and six months after you die you best not encourage my children to call you Mom as you are not their mother and you never will be. I got back in my van and the kids and I departed.

I got home and had a long talk with my children and explained to them about that and that was the last time that I heard it again. Although I told them I couldn't control what took place at their Dad's home but to know that I was their Mom and it was disrespectful of Dad and step mom to encourage something of that nature without discussing with me first.

I would have a different opinion of that per se if they were a bit older and/or that my life on this earth had passed or didn't have long to live but to step in and take over did not sit to well with me to say the least.
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Nunc Pro Tunc?

What is the name of your state? FL

here is the background of this case.. https://forum.freeadvice.com/showthread.php?t=389246

After my husband was awarded custody of his daughters January 07, 2008 the order was finally signed on January 31,2008. My husband went and picked up a copy of the order that day. After viewing the order there were a couple of issues that he brought to his lawyers attention. He emailed and faxed said issues to his lawyer. Made several phone calls and to date has not recieved a call back in regards to these issues. The parallegal that he spoked to told him to just white out that it wouldn't ever be noticed. He bluntly told her that he was not going to white out anything as it was on record at the courthouse and they needed to get it fixed.

The real big issue is the date that Mom who is now the NCP's timesharing starts. The order states Mom is to have EOW starting Friday, June 23, 2008.. Which should've been Friday, January 25, 2008. This is a real issue for the SCHOOL that SD goes to as they would not allow my husband pick his daughter up from school because he didn't have a court order stating that he is now the Custodial Parent. If Mom was to pick SD up from school they would not allow her to have her because of the date that is listed in the order even though Dad has told the school that it was a mistake and would be corrected.

Fast forward.. I looked on the court website this morning and noticed this was filed on February 12, 2008... NUNC PRO TUNC FINAL JUDGMENT OF: OF MODIFICATION 2/12/2008

What is Nunc Pro Tunc?

If the date has not been corrected what can Dad do to get this corrected? He has asked at the Court House and he was told his lawyer would have to have it corrected?

Also in the order Mom was not ordered to pay cs thru the courts or (CSE). She was ordered to pay directly to Dad starting February 01, 2008 and on the 1st of every month there after. How long does Dad wait before filing contempt if Mom fails to pay?

February 02, 2008 Mom moved out of State (Alabama) it is within a 100 miles radius. Wednesday timesharing is from 4-8pm. If this starts having an impact on SD's as far as the distance and travel time. How would Dad address the issue if it arises?

Both girls are doing really good. Oldest SD has improved in school (grades & behavior). On her monthly behavior star chart ( 3 stars daily) she went from losing all three stars daily to losing NONE. She has only lost one star in a month and a half. Her reading grade was an "F" and is now a "B". She is in the second grade and recently scored a 4.2 on her Gates test. (4th grade 2nd month).

One more thing. Dad has addressed this issue to/with mom verbally, hand written and email. Mom's youngest daughter will call her T (SD's younger half sister) has a habit of biting, pulling hair, pinching, scratching and so on. The week before last after the girls came home from the weekend with Mom. Oldest SD had a nice gash/scratch approx. 4 inches in length stated that her youngest sister pushed her off the skateboard when she was riding it in the house causing her to hit the wall. Youngest SD had a nasty bite mark on her left arm and she said that T bit her cause she wanted the leap pad. Mom denied this happening and come Wednesday timesharing punished the oldest step daughter for telling us. How would you handle this issue if it were your child?
In regards to the above post.. Nunc Pro Tunc..

Husband picked up order at the court house. They added the correct date. The Shared parenting agreement was attached to the order. There is still an issue with the order as his lawyer (or parallegal) didn't include the last 4 sheets of the standard shared parenting agreement. Which includes all timesharing, EOW, Midweek, Holidays and so on, which I would think would be the most crucial part of the order.


Senior Member
In regards to the above post.. Nunc Pro Tunc..

Husband picked up order at the court house. They added the correct date. The Shared parenting agreement was attached to the order. There is still an issue with the order as his lawyer (or parallegal) didn't include the last 4 sheets of the standard shared parenting agreement. Which includes all timesharing, EOW, Midweek, Holidays and so on, which I would think would be the most crucial part of the order.
Tell your H to CAMP OUT at the attorney's office, or to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to get that stupid attorney to PROPERLY PREP his order.

Then, when he is finished with that doofus attorney, tell your H to fire him and file a complaint with the Bar Association.
Tell your H to CAMP OUT at the attorney's office, or to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to get that stupid attorney to PROPERLY PREP his order.

Then, when he is finished with that doofus attorney, tell your H to fire him and file a complaint with the Bar Association.
H has had three attorney's actually over the course of this case. The last two are in the same firm. He just got off the phone with both of them (they had him on speaker phone). He pointed out the issues with the second order and they asked H if he wanted them to get it corrected, well that is a no brainer.

Just hope the Judge doesn't get ticked off at H for his lawyers goof up.
Found this via Google

Nunc pro tunc literally means "now for then."

Occasionally, a court or party to a divorce forgets to file the papers necessary to obtain the final decree (after the interlocutory judgment has been granted), and the result is that the divorce never becomes final. If the oversight presents a problem (for example, one party has already remarried, or there is a tax advantage to being divorced earlier), the court may agree to issue a nunc pro tunc order, which grants the final divorce retroactive to the earlier date.

This phrase is used to express that a thing is done at one time which ought to have been performed at another. Leave of court must be obtained to do things nunc pro tunc, and this is granted to answer the purposes of justice, but never to do injustice. A judgment nunc pro tunc can be entered only when the delay has arisen from the act of the court.
Found this via Google

Nunc pro tunc literally means "now for then."

Occasionally, a court or party to a divorce forgets to file the papers necessary to obtain the final decree (after the interlocutory judgment has been granted), and the result is that the divorce never becomes final. If the oversight presents a problem (for example, one party has already remarried, or there is a tax advantage to being divorced earlier), the court may agree to issue a nunc pro tunc order, which grants the final divorce retroactive to the earlier date.

This phrase is used to express that a thing is done at one time which ought to have been performed at another. Leave of court must be obtained to do things nunc pro tunc, and this is granted to answer the purposes of justice, but never to do injustice. A judgment nunc pro tunc can be entered only when the delay has arisen from the act of the court.
Thanks e2p. I found that earlier to after posting and H picked up the order. Just thinking now what the will name the next order since this one is no good either:confused:.

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